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Burns of t'he first degree may be treated by ap- plying a two per cent, solution of j)icric acid to the affected parts, or the burned surface may be dusted with equal parts of Purchase Acticin Online zinc oxide, bcjric oxide, and pow- dered starch, followed by the application of a loose, soft bandage : lead and opium water have been fre- quently applied with gratifying results. In the ab- sence of other remedies sterilized water may be used. When the pain cannot be controlled other- wise, the hypodermic use of morphine is indicated. In burns of the second degree we should relieve the shock and pain, if necessary, by one quarter grain of morphine. The next effort will be one to prevent infection. The blebs should be emptied when they are full of serum ; this may be done by puncturing the bleb at its edge just through the healthy skin, allowing the epidermi- to remain as a covering. After carefully cleansing the healthy tissues about the burn, the burned area should be irrigated with normal salt Acticin Cream 5 solution and gently mopped with soft gauze to remove foreign matter. .\nesthesia may sometimes be necessary to thor- oughly cleanse a burned surface. There should next be applied a dressing Buy Cheap Acticin which is both antiseptic and analgesic. \'arious solutions and emollients have been suggested and employed, but none as yet has been found to be the ideal. Picric acid may be applied in one to two per cent, solutions ; a service- able solution may be made by dissolving seventy- five grains of picric acid in a pint and a half of water, to which is added two ounces of alcohol. This should be applied to the cleansed burned sur- face by placing strips of sterile gauze wet with this solution ; these are covered with absorbent cotton and bandage. The dressing should Order Acticin be changed in about four days. Equal parts of hydrous wool fat and zinc oxide ointment may be applied to the burned surfaces and covered over with sterile gauze and soft bandages. Ointments of boric acid or ichthyol have been found advantageous. In the burns of the third degree the shuck and pain should be allayed by a quarter grain dose of morphine and in some cases a permanent warm bath may be employed. If a limb is so involved that the possibilities Generic Acticin of nourishment are destroyed, amputation of the Acticin Cream limb should be resorted to, as soon as the symptoms of shock have sub-ided. Saline and boric acid solutions should be used to cleanse the bums of the third degree. Stronger antiseptic solutions are dangerous because of \he possibility of ab.sorption. Simple sterile dressings should be applied. Dressings should be as fre- quent as the degree of infection in each individual case demands. Ulcers should be touched with a 282 PRIZE ESSAYS two per cent, solution of nitrate of silver, and the sloughs should be removed when it is possible to do so. Skin grafting may be employed in those cases where it is indicated. The adjuvants to the local treatment must al- ways be borne in mind; the pain, collapse, restless- ness, and heart failure must all receive appropriate treatment. G. J. Ellis, of Covington, Ky., icritcs: Our choice of local applications for burns is determined by their severity and e.xtent, but in all Buy Acticin Online cases the principles are the same : protection and antisepsis with as infreciuent changing Buy Acticin of dressings as possible. For a burn of a few square inches in extent, not beyond the degree of vesication, we may use an ointment of five per cent, boric acid in petrolatum, to which one per cent, of cocaine may Purchase Acticin be added for the first day or two. For a larger burn of the same degree, the best application is picric acid, which is most conveniently prescribed in six per cent, alcoholic solution ; three ounces of this solution to be added to one quart of water. Strips of gauze saturated with this solution are applied, covered with cotton, and lightly bandaged. This dressing may be left undisturbed for three or four days, and a second similar dressing will often be sufficient to complete healing. As vesicles form, they should 1>e punctured and drained, allowing the skin to settle on the underlying surface as a pro- tection. Acticin Permethrin Cream The utmost care should be exercised in changing the dressings, as well as in removing over- lying clothing when the patient is first seen, all ad- herent fabric being removed by prolonged soaking with warm normal saline or two per cent, boric acid solution. In treating large burns, the dress- ings should be removed and replaced in small sec- tions to avoid chilling. Deeper burns should be treated Acticin Price with a five per cent, boric acid ointment, or, in the case of an extremity, in a continuous bath of wann one to two per cent, boric acid solution. Hemorrhage may be serious during sloughing, and is best treated by compression. After sloughing the treatment is that of any other granulating wound : stimulating applications, solid stick of nitrate of silver for exuberant granulations, and skin grafting. One drachm of balsam of Peru to two ounces of castor oil, ten per cent, thymol iodide ointment, and from five to ten per cent, scarlet red ointment are excellent applications. Destruction of the entire thickness of the skin will always be fol- lowed by cicatricial contraction, which may be lessened by skin grafting and the use of splints and extension. Amputation may be required in severe burns of the extremities. Burns of the conjunc- tiva and cornea are treated by cocaine instillations and cold Order Acticin Online compresses to the eyelids, keeping the pupil dilated with atropine and frequently separ- ating the conjunctival surfaces and instilling castor oil to prevent adhesions. Flame and steam are sometimes inhaled, causing burns of the fauces and upper respiratory passages — a very dangerous condition often leading to edema of the glottis. These patients should be kept in a warm, moist at- mosphere, alkaline antiseptic sprays and gargles

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