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static conditions. When the hip exhibits a sudden and painful flexion contracture with abduction or slight adduction : when the joint is slightly swollen and tender and its movability somewhat impaired, while the glands are not affected and there is no muscular atrophy, the possibility of a benign, ephemeral coxitis must be taken into account. The probability of this assumption is increased when the attack is preceded by an inflammation of the res- piratory tract, and the symptoms buy cheap arcoxia disappear quickly, but the diagnosis will be made positive later by the demonstration that the leg has been lengthened. The Weight of the Fetus and the Nutrition of the Mother. — Josef Bondi believes as a result of his investigations that the fetns draws what it needs from the generic arcoxia mother without regard to the condition of her nutrition, and that its growth is independent of her condition, etoricoxib arcoxia the same as arcoxia 90mg the growth of a malig- I'lTlI 01- I'KOiuKESSIVE LITERATURE. 291 naiit tumor. In lactation also lie finds the milk tu lie ind<.'i)(.Muli'ni of tlio niUritivo .■ondition ui tlu' mother. l'"at, well nourished mothers often have little milk, wiiile thin, badly nourished women may have plenty of good milk. The three influences that he thinks affect the size of the child at liiril, arc: 1. Jleredity ; 2, the etoricoxib msd age of the mother (llic older the woman the larger the child) ; 3. the glands with internal secretion in both the mother and the fetus. His conclusion is that the size of the child cannot be infiuenced by dieting the mother. The diet in pregnancy should be exactly the same as that for normal women. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR UROLOGISCHE CHIRURGIE. Perinephritic Tumors. — F. Oehlecker had a l)atient with a right sided abdominal tunmr. The diagnosis lay between tumor of the gallbladder, liver, anil kidney. Ureter catheterism showed nor- mal urine from either kidney and normal function of each. Radiography after bilateral injection of the kidney pelvis with collargol arcoxia mg showed the follow- ing : The left kidney pelvis was normal in position and shape and showed a slight arcoxia tablets kink at the apex of the buy arcoxia online pelvis. The right kidney pelvis was on a level with the crest of the ileum and the calices pointed downward, instead of inward. A diagnosis was made of a probable perinephritic tumor pressing down the right kidney. At operation such a tumor was found etoricoxib tablets and removed. The normal kidney was found depressed with the pelvis pointing downward. The left kidney was exposed and found to be nor- mal, but a arcoxia price tumor of the suprarenal body was found The right tumor was removed, and death occurred the second day after operation. Both tumors were found to be hypernephrotoma. The author calls attention to the value of pyelography in the differ- ential diagnosis of tumors in this region. Collargol Injection of the Kidneys and Kidney Pelves. — CI. .Strassman has injected collargol into the kidney jjelvis of dogs to find out how long the collargol remains in the pelvis and whether it has any harmful effect buy etoricoxib upon the kidney. His ex- periments showed that after twenty-four hours there was practically no collargol left in the pelvis ; that if care was used in not injecting the collargol under too much pressure no harm and no particular alterations of the kidney pelvis arcoxia cost resulted. He tells of a case of Oehleckei', who injected collargol under high pressure into the kidney pelvis of a patient. Pain and moderate rise of temperature resulted. Five days later the kidney was extirpated and showed small areas of necrosis due to the collargol. He also refers to a case of Cachrisson's where the radiograph showed collargol in the tubuli recti. The patient had five days of pain in the kidney region and fourteen days of fever. Rossli had a case in which the patient died five days after collargol in- jection. The result of the autopsy showed that death was due to collargol poisoning. PRESSE MEDICALE. hily s. nrs. Lung Infection from the Umbilicus. — E. Bon- naire and G. Durante assert that infection of the lung originating at the umbilicus in newborn infants is a far more frequently occurring condition than lias been generally realized. Latent infections of the umbilicus are often overlooked as a cause of acute and even chronic disease of the viscera. After the liver, the lung is the organ most buy arcoxia frequently in- volved from this source. Three forms of lung dis- ortler are recognized by the authors, tlie first in- cluding primary toxic lesions, manifested as violet colored patches of the lung tissue, variable in size, and due purchase arcoxia online merely to purchase arcoxia the action of toxines on the ves- sels, attempts at bacterial culture regularly failing. Septicemic lesions may occur as miliary infarcts, with or without a surrounding zone of congestion, as foci of hepatization, or even as lung abscess or pleurisy ; the bronchial tubes arc characteristically intact, and there are bacterial emboli in order arcoxia online small ves- sels, though, different from bronchopneumonia of respiratory origin, no bacteria can be found in the air cells. Occasionally, a third form of lung affec- tion is seen, consisting in infants that have recov- ered from the umbilical infection, but succumbed to other accidental causes of pleural thickenings or areas of sclerosis in the lung, representing old healed infarcts. Regarding the diagnosis of these lung conditions, in general, the authors assert that care- ful auscultation and percussion are usually suffi- cient. Absence of pulmonary symptoms, however, does not signify definitely that the lungs are normal. In early septicemias no sign of umbilical infection may be apparent, or arcoxia online even may become manifest only after the visceral symptoms. Jaundice in order arcoxia the new- etoricoxib 60 mg born preceded by an obscure rise in temperature and followed by the lung symptoms, is characteristic

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