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181 A ( ATA R A! TOT'S FAMILY. By JOHN L. DIOKEY, A.M., M.I'.. WHEELING, WEST YIi: Buy Avelox i •: this title I reported in the Pittsburgh Review, about three Bayer Avelox years ago, the fact of a mot three daughters having cataract, and of my having on two of the daughters. Recently 1 operated on Lhe third daughter. It is seldom one would have the opportunity of doing four cataract operations on three sisters, and it is certainly rare for bo mam baract to occur in one family. The mother had soft cataract and was successfully op- erated on bj Dr. S. P. Hullihen, of Wheeling, about forty years ago, when she »as about forty years old. , 1884, 1 removed a hard cataract from the Avelox Generic Equivalent Avelox 400mg Tablets left eye of one of the daughters, aged thirty-eight. 1 used cocaine for an anaesthetic. It was the first time, Avelox 400 Mg Price so far as I know, that cocaine was used in traction. ■ , I operated on tin- right eye of the same patient. The result was perfect, vision attained in cither eye with + '.• glasses. On March 9, 1892, I rem >ved a bard cataract fn eye of the second sister, aged forty-seven. The result was perfect, +113+ 1*50 c. ax. 150°, ! for dis- tance, and + 1G 3 + I' 50 c, ax. 150 , enabling the pa- tient to read the finest print. The third sister was Printable Avelox Coupon blind with capsular cataract twenty » i and had the left eye needled, with no improve- . physician of Wheeling ei ived to Missouri shortly afterward and has lived nee. After going to .Missouri she had the m, but the eye was entirely lost, so she had been blind for twenty years when she came hack here to recentlj . I did the modified Graefe Avelox Generic Name operation, with iridectomy, and removed as much as possible of the densely opaque capsule. The i, — io giving ' : .\\ for distance, and +10 ena- bling berto read small pica. She had uot forgotten in the least how to read after the twenty years of blindness. The remaining Avelox 400 Mg Dosage si iter of the family Generic Avelox is ahout fiftj -fh - old and has perfect vision and Of Avelox Online the two • of the family nothing definite could be learned. Notice to Librarians and to Physicians having Unused Medical Periodicals. -In i Gould, of So. 925 Wal- ladelphia, requests librarians of Avelox Strong Antibiotic medical socie- nd Coupon For Avelox associat ii bim list- egs physicians (or > send him accu- ■ h periodicals (or books) as they are willing to to libraries. Lists only are desired, not thi oak themselves, until after correspondence ii shall have been . Where the) are needed. •_'. Where thej will be property cared for. 3. Where they will do the mo to medicine. It is Dr. Gould's intention Avelox Generic to aid established libraries in completing their lih-s by thus Avelox Iv forming a kind of the formation of new pub- imbi r ..f ng to •ion. NTEW TO UK MEDICAL JOURNAL, ^4 Weekly Review of Medicine. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3 MEDICAL EXPERT TESTIMONY. Ii is to be presumed thai no member of the medical pro- doubts the foolishness of thi system, or rat utter lack of system, in vogue Cheap Avelox hereabouts of provid called medical experts as 'witnesses in courts of law, as well as of the manner of their treatment while they are on the stand and of the niggardliness of their remuneration. Just what it is best to do to remedy this state of things Buy Avelox Online is a matter for consideration, ["he Medical - e of New York has taken up the question, and we hope it- efforts will be productive of good. A ;■ consisting of Dr. J. 1 Dr. Carlos Purchase Avelox i\ McDonald, Dr. II. E. Allison, Dr. S. B. Ward, and Dr. E. D. Fisher, to a plan. reported that, recognizing the difficulties in Generic For Avelox the way of formulating a plan that would be both satisfy stitution; nsively n it b n d medical professions, and they presented a resolution which they thought represented the best i as expressed to them in the light of present constitutional restrictions. The resolution is as follows: "Resolved, Tha Society ol York would recommend Avelox Antibiotic 400mg actment of a law by the Legislature providing for the ap- pointmeo I I bat only physicians in the particular branch of medical science to which the question calling 1 1 shall be ap-

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