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soon. A case was not hopeless so long as the patient could digest and assimilate food and the heart was capable of performing its functions. Dr. Spencer L. Dawes, of .\lbany, heartily agreed that the physician should see that his patients received individual medical attention. It was not sufficient to send these patients to California, or Colorado, or elsewhere. If one had to choose between care without climate and climate without care, he would do well to choose care without climate. Each patient should have individual treatment. Doctor Osborne expressed appreciation of the paper. He agreed with Doctor Pottenger as to the value of tuber- culin. Late tuberculosis was always with us. Every pa- tient recovering from pneumonia, typhoid, and other dis- eases and even those bimatoprost canada suffering from slight debility should be carefully watched. In tuberculosis one purchase bimatoprost should never give up. Recovery had occurred in cases that seemed absolutely hopeless. Dr. J. W. Chappell, of Washington, D. C, agreed with this. The physician could learn a buy bimatoprost online lesson from the very bimatoprost ophthalmic persistence with which these patients held on to life. They lived along from year to year and some of them managed to recover even when left alone. Several years ago he noted that one lung of an apparently healthy man, whom he was examining, was inactive. Inquiry disclosed that twenty years before, the man had had "lung trouble" but had recovered without treatment. Tubercular patients should never be given up. The endeavor should be purchase bimatoprost online to bimatoprost 0.03 see that each one received careful personal buy bimatoprost uk medical atten- tion. .\s to incipient cases, whenever he had a patient who w'as running down steadily without any known cause he strongly suspected tuberculosis. Doctor kiNYOU.v said that the management of tuber- culosis was a nice problem. It took two to make a bar- gain. The physician could make the diagnosis and pre- scribe the treatment, but it rested with the patient to carry it out. Any form of treatment that failed to re- store the patient to his former physical condition fell short ; for example, one that only enabled the patient to live and do light work in the place to which he had been sent, but not to return home, was a buy cheap bimatoprost mere apologj' for a cure. .A-ll cases were not suitable for treatment aw'ay from home. Doctor Pottenger said that many patients did better away from home than at home. The beneficial effects of change of surroundings, freedom from care and worry, association with generic bimatoprost optimistic people, a suitable climate, etc.. cheap bimatoprost were well recognized. Changing and moving around from place to place was fatal. The Medical Treatment of Cholelithiasis.— Dr. H. B. .'\nderson, of Toronto. Canada, admitted that while sur- gical procedure was frequently the best, and often the only means offering a chance of lelief, its advocacy based on certainty of cure and assurance of nonrecurrence was unwarranted. The main object of treatment was the relief of the infection and inflammation and not merely the removal of gallstones. This not infrequently occurred under nonoperative treatment, especially in early bimatoprost cost and mild cases and particularly after first attacks before serious local damage had been done by the infection. Medical treatment should be fully carried out in all cases where the patient's physical condition did not warrant opera- tion, and in the numerous cases in which operation was refused. It should be employed in many cases as a pre- liminary to operation in order to allow the acute infection to subside as far bimatoprost uk as possible. It should be carried out order bimatoprost in all cases after operation, to prevent reinfection and re- currence, if possible. He never advised bimatoprost online strongly against operation in any case unless an operation was definitely contraindicated because of the patient's physical condi- tion; but, after e.xplaining the possibility of failure and /■A'OC /:/;/'/ Acs OF SOCIETIES. ?,o\ that bimatoprost price operation might eventually be reqiilreil, he did not hesitate in early or mild eases, or after first attacks, to give medical treatment a thorough trial, and this course in many instances gave excellent results. Doctor RoESPEL pointed out that whereas gallstone patients were usually first seen and treated by the physi- cian and by him often referred to the surgeon, the bimatoprost synthesis sur- geon but rarely after operation turned the patients over to the medical man again for subsequent treatment. This practice was very different from that obtaining abroad. especially in Germany, where it was the custom for the surgeon to turn the patient over to the physician after operation for medical treatment and care. Instances had occurred where failure to provide this care had been at- tended with undesirable results. Doctor Stew.xkt spoke of the treatment of cholelithiasis by bacterial vaccines. Whether or not the bimatoprost 0.01 treatment was efficacious was a mooted question. Orthotherapy; the Power Which Correct Posture, Organic Adjustments and Mobility Exert upon Health and Its Recovery. — Dr. Jlihn Maiii^on T.wlor. oi Phila delphia. stated that deformities caused by posture and costume impaiied the health in many ways. Physical peculiarities, piesent in every individual in varying de- grees, were too often regarded as lumigan bimatoprost mere matters of course, as distinguishing characteristics, and dismissed as of no moment. A conspicuous stoop, a lateral twist, a sagging waist, high shoulders or hollow chest, bent knees and such asymmetries were looked upon as merely evidences of bad taste, or as finger marks of fate. They were often de- liberately perpetuated, even exaggerated, and too fre- quently imitated. A grave significance was added when it was realized that these departures from normal attitudes were in truth exaggerations of developmental faults, in- ducing degenerative changes in nerve centres or conduc- tion paths; morbid order bimatoprost online slackness in tissues, central defects, impaired nutrition in important structures, causing com- pression of bloodvessels and nerves, all tending to pro- duce yet worse conditions in vital structures. Treatment of Splanchnoptosis, with Report of Cases. — Dr. Elmer B. Freem-^x, of Baltimore, emphasized that congenital cases should be recognized in early childhood. Exercises that would tend to increase the capacity of

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