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classifications to that of those showing a clear fam- ily history of deafness, either in cipro cheap direct or collateral branches, and this limitation has been made cipro 500mg because of the mistake of supposing that deafness is the particular thing inherited, whereas, as I have said, what are really inherited are the physical anomalies which result in price of cipro deafness. These physical anomalies may be transmitted by those having other forms of defectiveness in the same manner as they are transmitted by those having a family history of deafness. Thus, even the seeminglv acquired deaf- ness of adult life, or so called catarrhal buying cipro online deafness, may be regarded as hereditary in so far as the particular physical and systemic conditions which cause it, such as rheumatism and gout, are heredi- tary or transmissible, and, reasoning thus, we mav l>e justified in the conclusion that all deafness, with the exception of that of traumatic origin, is in cipro order part at least due to some hereditary taint. Whether or not I am right in this supposition, time and further study will reveal, but w-e now cipro 250 know beyond any doubt that heredity is an important and increasing factor in that most serious and distressing of all forms of deafness, namely, the congenital form, and the question arises. What cipro 250mg are we going to do about it? What prophylactic remedy is indicated? The procedure that naturally suggests itself is embodied in the phrase, "a stricter application of the principles of eugenics" to the subject of deaf- ness. And what cost of cipro does this mean? It means, among other things, a more determined effort on our part to check the transmission from parents to offspring of the particular physical anomalies which result in deafness. And how can this be done? It can be done mo>t effectually, of course, by rendering those who transmit such anomalies physically in- capable of reproduction. In a paper read before the American xA.cademy of Medicine in iqoo. I advocated sterilization for the prevention of crime, pauperism, and mental deficiency, and I am pleased to note that the pro- cedure is now cipro online being sanctioned by law and prac- tised in Indiana, Cahfomia, Oregon, and Connecti- cut. IVIoreover. there was recently appointed in the State of Xew York a special committee on pro- creation, composed of three physicians. We shall watch with interest the action of this committee, and it is a matter of congratulation. I think, that it should be composed of physicians who are in a posi- tion to know the purchase cipro online facts which should warrant any action on buy cipro online the subject. \\'ho knows but that the time will come when the practice of sterilization, drastic as it now seems to us, will be adopted even for the prevention of hereditary deafness. Another effective measure, and one less radical, would be the denial of the marriage license to those who transmit the physical anomalies which result in deafness. buy cipro This measure should be considered at once. Surely, the "strong arm of the cipro price State" should be used to regulate such marriages of the deaf as are known to result in a high proportion of deaf offspring, and this is especially true in view of the fact that the State is doing all that it can to make these marriages possible by bringing the deaf together in large institutions and increasing their economic efficiency. In other words, our efforts to ameliorate the conditions of the deaf have tended to foster their increase. In the first decade of the last century the proportion of marriages of the deaf to the whole number of marriages during the century' was only 0.02 per cent., and it increased with the increase of the number of schools during each subsequent decade until in the ninth it was 22.7 per cent. This fact suggests, as another pos- sible preventive measure, a change purchase cipro in our methods of education for the deaf. Instead of bringincr them together in large residential schools, of which we now have about 150, with upward of 13,000 pupils. I would recommend special day buy cheap cipro school in- struction, which would not only obviate the state of propinquity which is so likely to result in mar- riage, but would have the additional advantage of keeping the deaf in closer association with hearing people during their educational career. HUnsO.\':\r.lKUL.\: rRl.lESTIOS or Dli.irXESS. .^07 These are soniewliat radical measures for thi- I)revention of deafness, but they are measures which should i)e discussed and which sooner or later must receive serious consideration. We are face to face with conditions which have led close student^ of the Mihject, like Dr. Alexander (.'•. Hell, to fear the l)ossiblc "formation of a deaf variety of the human si)ecies," and thus they seem to call for drastic measures. In the meantime we can do much by a cipro cost campaig'n of education, in which the truth may be di.sseminated, and the facts in the case given the widest ])o>sil)le publicity. Those of us who know should discourage as much as jiossiblc the marriage of the deaf which are liable to result in deaf offspring. cipro online pharmacy 1 use the word discourage because ihe times do not yet seem to be ripe for absolute legal prevention. We may. forsooth, control the breeding of our cattle, but our modern notions with reference to personal liberty, especially as it relates to the question of marriage, are such as to inter- fere very materially with the application of eugenic ])rinciples. I am a believer in "personal liberty," but when it interferes with the happiness and use- fulness of unborn generations of fellow cipro hc persons, I think it should lie at least curtailed, and if neces- sary prohibited by legal measures. 2. Acquired Deafness. W'hen the measures which I have suggested for the prevention of inherited deafness shall have been more generally adopted, we shall have fewer of the conditions, or anomalies which make the acquire- ment of deafness so easy and in some instance- al- most unavoidable. When we shall have elimi- nated heredity as a cipro 250 mg factor in the causation of deaf-

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