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Owing to the com- parative difficulty in price of clomid in the uk obtaining spinal fluids for clin- ical purposes, the analysis of this medium was re- sorted to very infrequently. The earliest attempts at withdrawing spinal fluid were made for thera- peutic purposes, with the idea of relieving pressure. In iS8o Essex Wynter in England conceived the plan of performing an intraventricular puncture on an infant with tuberculous meningitis and eft'ected the desired reduction of intracranial pressure. The following year he had under his care a case of puru- lent meningitis in a child w^hose fontanelles had closed. Being desirous of reducing the pressure in this case, and being unable to puncture the ventricles of the brain as in the former patient, this pioneer induced a surgeon to remove the laminse of the second lumbar vertebra and incise the dura to allow of the escape of the cerebrospinal fluid, and thus reduce the intracranial pressure. 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