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four per cent.) with the typical serological picture of general paresis. The findings are positive throughout, and the cell count does not Atorvastatin Rosuvastatin exceed fifty cells to each c.nim. The next sixty-nine cases showed a negative fliu'd ^^'assermann reaction in twentv- nine instances, which fluid> showed the higher cell counts in this group, and serologica^ly could have been considered as treated cerebrospinal lues. In fact, Crestor Online a vigorously treated cerebrospinal lues may give the serological reaction of tabes, as well as that of this form of general paresis. The French school ( Marie) has advanced the theory that be- ginning Purchase Crestor Online or incipient general paresis shows a nega- tive Wassermann reaction in the spinal fluid, and a positive one in the serum. This variety is to be seen in the third line of the table. Two cases from this group were considered by clinicians as transi- tional forms from cerebrospinal syphilis to general paresis. The Crestor Tablets fourth line shows the serological Generic Crestor status of the advancetl disease as viewed by tlie French. These Crestor Cost observations are Rosuvastatin 10 corroborated to the extent of thirty-six per cent, of cases Crestor Price studied in the Neurological Institute, the remaining Crestor Mg show- ing the early serological picture in advanced cases or the Buy Crestor late one in recently developed general paresis. In ten cases of unquestionable Buy Cheap Crestor general paresis the serological condition was entirely Rosuvastatin Calcium normal. This tends to disprove the conclusion that general pare- sis always shows a positive serology, regardless of the fact that this disease is the most intensely positive Wassermann ])araluetic disease of the nervous system. The greatest benefits obtainable from a knowledge of serological interpretations is where one is called upon to differentiate clinically between general paresis and cerebrospinal syphilis. This need not necessarily convey the idea that the key to every obscure paraluetic nervous disorder is to be found in a serological study : I say this, re- gardless of the fact that it often proved to Purchase Crestor be cor- roborative and not infrequently diagnostic. Of great importance is the typical serological picture Rosuvastatin 10 Mg of cerebrospinal syphilis obtained in a patient where the clinical diagnosis of general paresis was made. The physician in such a case is warranted in proceeding very cautiously, treating his patient for the time being as a case of Buy Crestor Online cerebrospinal lues, regardless of slow progress, and only after vigor- ous treatment has failed Order Crestor to improve the condition should the diagnosis of general paresis be accepted as final. Three such patients were observed Cheap Crestor by me, all enjoving good health and attending to their affairs. These facts, and many others, tend to show the usefulness of serological investigation in nervous diseases : making the Order Crestor Online presentation of a neurological disease without it, to say the least, in- complete. SEROLOGICAL FINDINGS IN CEREUROSPINAL SVPHIIJS Cerebrospinal fluid analyses Was- Was- Reduc- No. 0: f ser- ser- Globu- tion Remarks cases mann manr 1 lin Pleocytosis 37+ What Is Rosuvastatin The fluids show- 4' 39-1-

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