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S.UIIH: SAFETY PJ\ REMOVED FROM LARyW OF CHILD. 313 S\M:TV I'lX REMOVED FROM LARYNX ( )F CHILD cytotec price BY DIRECT LARYNGOSCOPY. Bv H.\RMOx Smith, ^L D., New York. Mary McD., aged two and one half years, was seen by Dr. S. T. Quinn. of Elizabeth, N. J., on February 2j. 1913 ; at which time she was hoarse and had a online pharmacy cytotec croupy cough, and e.vamination of the chest revealed some bron- chial rales. Examination of the throat and nose were negative. cytotec 200mcg The temperature was 99° F. and pulse 90. The diagnosis of bronchial croup was made upon the evidence found. The administration of syrup of ipecac and a la.xa- tive relieved the condition. Five days k.ter he was called again, as the child had become suddenly worse, and he found marked dyspnea, a dry croupy cough, and a temperature of 99° F. Ag:ain the examination of the nose and pharynx was negative. He called in consultation Dr. J. S. Greene, who made the diagnosis of membranous laryngitis, and as the obstruc- tion to breathing had increased, an O'Dwyer intubation tube was inserted, which gave prompt relief to the ob- structive symptoms but whicli was coughed up cytotec cheap on the second day ; 3,000 units of diphtheria antito.xine were also injected, although a culture from the pharynx proved negative. The condition of the patient improved in every respect except the hoarseness, which remained. On March i8th, while Doctor Quinn was out of town, the consultant, Doctor Greene, was called in to see the child with another similar attack, and she again responded to the administration of syrup of ipecac. On March 30th, the hoarseness still persisting, it was deemed advisable to have the advice of a laryngologist to ascertain, if pos- sible, the occasion for its continuance. Dr. Norton L. Wilson was cytotec mg called in consultation, and by means of the laryngoscopic mirror thought he determined the presence of a growth in the larynx, and concluded from the his- tory that it must be a papilloma. He advised, however, that the child be examined by the direct method, and sent her to me for this purpose. On March 31st, thirty-seven days after the child had first been seen by Doctor Quinn, an cytotec buy online examination was made with the Jackson laryngeal spatula, at the Manhat- tan Eye. Ear, and Throat Hospital, under the adminis- tration of chloroform anesthesia. Preparations had been cytotec 400 mg made for the removal of the papillomata, if present, and for the introduction of a tracheal tube, provided they were of a multiple character. Considerable mucus filled the larynx, and the breathing was of an obstructive char- acter, which necessitated rapid work to obviate perform- ing a preliminary tracheotomy. .-Kfter the mucus had 1)een sponged from the larynx, a bright object was seen protruding from between the vocal cords. With a pair of ordinary straight laryngeal forceps it was grasped and e.xtracted. without difficulty and without hemorrhage. The patient's breathing immediatelv became order cytotec online less labored, and the cyanosis improved. On the following day the patient was sufficiently well to be taken to her home in Elizabeth. N. J,, where she made an uneventful recovery. For sev- eral weeks the voice remained somewhat hoarse, but in a subsequent report from Doctor Quinn he stated thai the child's voice buy cheap cytotec had returned to normal and there was nn sequence to her unique cytotec order experience. cytotec on line The important facts in this case are. the liabilitv of physicians, unsuspecting the presence of a for- eign body, to diagnosticate the case in accordance Avith the symptoms presented, without utiHzing the .X ray as an infallible method of determining its presence; secondly, that an intubation tube could occupy the lar\nx at the same time with the safety pin without giving evidence to the operator of its presence, and that the tube could be coughed up and the pin remain in situ; thirdly, that tjie ab- sence of microscopical evidence of the Klebs Loef- fler bacillus in the examination of a specimen from the pharynx should direct the attention of the phy- sician in charge to something else as a causative factor, although in many instances diphtheria can exist where the superficial culture will not reveal the presence of the infection ; fourthly, that the ex- cytotec 200 mcg amination of a child's larynx by the laryngoscopic mirror, although performed l)y an expert, is inade- quate, owing to the struggles of the child, cytotec 200 mg the small- ness of the larynx, and the presence of mucus which cannot be removed and which obscures the character of the liody or growth. 44 W' Foimv- ninth Street. 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