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( which has been referred to above and illustrated by Hustin's deductions and diagram — Fig. i). Secretin was investigated first, as its marked action on the pancreas was already known. As a result of this work, the physiology of secretin action is now very definitely known. The prosecretin of the duo- denal wall is first generic diflucan cost changed into secretin by contact with hydrochloric acid. It is then carried in the l)lood stream to the pancreas, where, a-^ a result of chemical change, its characteristic features are lost ; secretin coinbining with amylopsinogen and steapsi- nogen, to form the ferments amvlopsin and steapsin and, with the precursor protrypsinogen. to form trypsinogen. This last. only, becomes the ferment trypsin after it has come in contact with entero- kinase in the intestinal canal. The action of secretin, then, may be conveniently expressed by the following equations : Pepsin diflucan gel costo — hydrochloric acid production (pylorus") I'ood (peptones. de.xtrin. etc.) or psychic stiinuhis+pro- ,S4astrin=gastric secretin (gastrin) Gastrin+pepsinogen^pepsin Gastrin-|-oxyntic precursors=hydrochhiric acid Trypsin production (duodenum I Hydrochloric acid-|-prosecretin= secretin Secretin-fprotrypsinogen= trypsinogen Trypsinogen-|-enterokinase=:trypsin. From the foregoing it will be seen that in this remarkable substance, or costo del diflucan series of substances, we should have a therapeutic weapon with vast iiossi- bilities. This is especially true when we remember that "it is now a demon-^trated fact that a large share of the wonderful coordination of the activities of different parts of the body, which determine their mutual cooperation f(ir the common weal of the organism, is played by production and circula- tion of chemical substances which are strictly analogous to the drugs employed during countless ages generic diflucan online by mankind in the treatment of his diseases" I ij). In my oj)inion the analogy i^i not a' thornu'^h as the foregoing quotation diflucan cost with insurance would indicate, for the use of secretin and other hormons is much more reasonable, and its stimulating effect far more near- ly ])hysiological. than that of other means to the s.une ends. ' Secretin is not jiarticularly diflicult to ol)tain. .As already mentioned. Starling secured it by poundii^ up duodenal scrapings with hydrochloric acid. \'ariotis methods of extracting secretin are outlined in article^ by Bayliss and Starling ( 13). .Stepp (14), and I.aunoy ( 15). .Aqtieous solutions of secretiii are easily mafle. but they inust be used while fresh', as, if left unstoppered, they lose their activity in about twenty-four hours. Tf, however, they are preserved in sterile ampoule^ and kejit in the dark they remain active for a long time. Fortunately, dried extracts of duodenal mucous membrane generic diflucan no prescription keep well, and from diflucan costo them jrotenl solutions can be easilv prepared as desired. Several trade preparations are now made in America, France, and England. Pro- vided that in this manner one pfizer diflucan costo can stimulate the pro- duction of hydrochloric acid in the -tomach. the rest is sitnple. The passage (^f the acid gastric con- tents into the intestine will be a natural stimulus how much diflucan cost to the production of secretin, so that the administra- tion of such a remedy >erves a double purpose. Not only will it stimulate the pancreas directly, Injt aFo indirectly by the production of an diflucan cost without insurance additional diflucan compresse costo supply of this important activator. In practically all animal experiments with secre- tin, this substance has been adininistered by the in- travenous method, and it has been stated that secretin when taken into the stomach is not active. Some experiments have been made the results of which indicate that in animals secretin is not ab- sorbed when introduced even in large doses into the digestive canal. Undoubtedly the comparisons be- tween the intravenou- injection of secretin solutions and the oral administration of solid or liquid secretin preparations would give generic diflucan fluconazole evidence in diflucan 150 mg costo favor of the direct method — intravenous medication, for obvious reasons, is more rapid, active, and pronounced than any other method of giving drugs — but, such state- ments to the contrary notwithstanding, one can overlook the noticeable influence on digestion and nutrition following the administration of secretin by mouth. This will be still more apparent when all the evidence gathered in this paper is crmsidered. It must also be remembered that, in the jireparation of secretin, boiling with dilute hydrochloride acid is a part of the process, and any conditions which might be found diflucan cost in the stomach would seem theoreti- cally to be negligible: in fact, in practice the generic diflucan 150 mg ural administration of secretin accfjmplishes definite re- sults which are sometimes nothing short of mar- \ elous. At diflucan 150 costo present there is a paucity of discount diflucan literature on the clinical use of secretin. There are numerou- refer- ences to its physiology, and in the French literature there are many interesting papers. In one of generic diflucan over counter these Hallion (16) notes that secretin has also a di-tinct influence upon the liver and the motor functions of the bowel. In his experiments, in which he was associated with Enriquez (17), he noted buy generic diflucan online that -ecretin also increases in a great measure the -ecre- tion of bile. This fact has also been confirmed by 3i8 ILth-h-Olfl-h-.- SIiCKr.TI.\' IM CASTROINTESriSAL DISORDERS. I'ortior, I'"alloisc. and oIIkts lie also calls alteii- tioii to other physioloj^ical data which he ha- se- cured, and refers to a statement by Delezenne and Frouin (18) to the effect that "the action of secretin is not limited to the liver and pancreas, but £xtends to the intestine and inHuences the produc- tion of snccns entcricus." Enricpiez, in a communica- tion to tlie Paris Academy of Medicine, writes ( iw) : "Based on the greater importance to normal diges-

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