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xvii, .April u, 1912. 8. S.\WITSCH, \V. W., and ZELIONY, G.: Zur Physiologic des Pylorus, Archi'i- fiir die gesammte Physiologic, Bonn. 1913, cl., p. 128. 9. BRU.NTON, SIR T. L. : The Action of Medicines, London. 1897. p. 50. 10. BELLAMY, H. F.: The Spleen in the Digestion of Proteids, Lancet, 1900, ii. p. 1185. II. DIXON, W. E., and HAMILL, P.: The Mode of Action of Specific Substances with Specific Reference to Secretin, Journal of Physiology, London, 1909, xxxviii, p. 314. 12. STARLING. E. IL: The Chemical Control of the Body, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1908. I, p. 833. where can i get doxycycline 13. BAYLISS, W. M., and Sl.ARLlNG. E. H.: The Mechanism of Pancreatic Secretion. Jour- nal of Physiology. London, 1902, xxviii, p. 325. purchase doxycycline 14. STEPP, W. : On the Preparation of Secretin, Journal of Physiology. London. 1912. xliii. p. 441. 13. LAUNOY. L.. and CECHSLIN. K.: Sur une melhode de preparation de la secretine, Comptes rendus de la Societe de biologic. Paris. 1913, Ixxiv, 7. p. 338. 16. HALLION, L. : La Pratique de I'Opotherapie, Paris. 1911, p. 19. 17. EN- RIOUEZ. E.. and H.ALI.ION, L. : Nuevas nociones sobre la diges- tion; "secretina." importancia fisioiogica y patologica. Transactions of the Fourteenth International Medical Congress. Madrid, 1904, Section in Physiology, p. 59. 18. DELEZENNE. C. and FROUIN. A.: where to get doxycycline Sur la doxycycline to buy secretion physiologique du sue intestinal, Comptes rendus de la Societe de i»io/o?«c. Paris, 1904, Ivi, p. 319. 19. ENRIQUEZ, E. : La secretine: medication acide duodenale; stimulation des fonc- tions secretiniques chez I'homme, Rczue de th*-rapeutique medico- chirurgicale, Paris. 1904. Ixxi. p. 187. 20. HARROWER. H. R.: Secretin in the Gastrointestinal Disorders of Children, Pediatrics New York, 1913, No. 7. 21. BOARDMAN, REED: The Indiges-' tions, American Journal of Gastroenterologw 1912, ii, 2. p. 5. 22. MOOht". H. : On the Absence or Marked Diminution of Free Hy- doxycycline where to buy drochloric .Acid in the Gastric Contents in .Malignant Disease of Organs Other than how can i get doxycycline how to get doxycycline the Stomach. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, l.xxvi. p. 138. 23. HARROWER. H. R ; The Adjunct Treatment of Tuberculosis with Certain Organic Extracts. British Journal of Tuberculosis, 1913, vii. No. 3. 24. MOORE, B.: EDIE. E. S., and ABRA.M. J. H.: On the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus by Acid EJctract of Duodenal Mucous .Membrane. Biochemical Jour- nal, Liverpool, 1906, i, p. 28. 25. IDEM : Further Observations on the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus by Acid Extract of Duodena] doxycycline cheap Mucous .Membrane, ibidem. 1906. i. p. 446. 26 B.AINBRIDGE. F A and BEDDARI), .A. P.: Secretin in Relation to Diabetes Mellitus.' Guy's Hospital Reports, London, 1907, doxycycline order Ixi, p. i6i. BAINBRIDGE, I'. A. : Prosecretin in Relation to Diabetes Mellitus, Biochemical Journal. Liverpool. where can i buy doxycycline 1907, iii, p. 82. 27. EVANS, C. L. ; Note on F'ate of Secretin in Pancreatic Diabetes. Journal of Physiology I.ondo xli- p. 461 20. Rjr.iiLESD.vLE Road, Hornsey^ N. IMPORTAXCE OF EARLY OPERATION FOR THE RADICAL CURE OF HERNIA. By H. W. Austin, M. D., Port of New York (Stapleton), Senior Surgeon. United States Public Health Service. In my experience in the hospital treatment of adults suflfering from hernia, I am impressed with the facts that a large proportion of the patients were men who had lartje, ■scrotal hernia acquired some years previous, and that the number who applied for 320 I.ILMOX: PlIOSrnORL'S l.\ I'l LMOSAUV DISt-ASES. relief tor receiul\- aci|uircd lieruia was proportion- ately small. I have operated for the radical cure of hernia 265 times ( including all varieties — inguinal, fem- oral, umbilical, \entral, strangulated inguinal and umbilical, and large irreducible scrotal hernia containing bowel, appendix, and omentum) success- fully, with no >erious result due to the operation in any case. 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If complete histories of all cases of hernia could be obtained at one time, it would be found that there is a close relation between tlie duration of the doxycycline 100 hernia and the size, degree of dis- ability, risk from strangulation, risk from operation. buy doxycycline and probability of permanency of cure by doxycycline mg operation. In recently acquired inguinal hernia the operation for radical cure is a simple operation, entailing scarcely any risk to the patient, quickly performed under local anesthesia. It affords almost certain guarantee of permanent cure. In very large in- guinal hernia of long standing, irreducible, the sac containing bowel, omentum, etc., the operation for cure is always more or less serious and the chances for a permanent cure less certain. Cases of this kind should be undertaken only by an experienced operator. 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