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retained by a truss is a large hernia, and the sac frequently contains bowel and omentum which are firmly adherent to the cord and sac throughout. I operated upon two patients having What Is Dulcolax Tablets this Dulcolax Suppositories kind during the past year, men who were sixty years old. Thev were, before the operation, entirely disabled for any Dulcolax Products kind of work : their hernias were very large. A considerable portion of the omentum was excised before the bowel could be returned. There was a good result in both cases, but the operations were both difficult, requiring careful dissection and prti- longed general anesthesia, and were not without danger to the patient. I reported a number of suc- cessful operations for the radical cure of hernia in 1886 and in 1890 upon patients who were com- pletely disabled prior to the Dulcolax Usa operation. The inguinal canal in these cases is entirelv obliterated by pressure of the sac upon the trans- versalis fascia causing its atrophy : extending the internal ring as low as the external and Dulcolax Balance Coupon making Dulcolax 10 Mg a direct openiiig at the neck of the sac from one and a half to two inches in diameter. To close this large opening in the fascia is not always Laxatives Dulcolax easy, and we must depend upon the nniscular tissue for the sun- port, usually the internal oblique and transversalis, which in some cases are also atrophietl. The edge of the rectus may be brought over, but the per- manency of the cure in very large old hernias is not certain, while in recent hernias the operation almost always affords a permanent cure. In recent in- guinal, femoral, umbilical, or ventral hernia the operation for cure can be safely performed under local anesthesia in persons of all ages. But a few weeks ago I ojierated for complete oblique hernia upon Dulcolax Coupon a man seventy years old under local anesthesia. The Bassini operation Suppository Dulcolax was performed, and it re- quired but twentv minutes. The patient suffered Generic For Dulcolax no pain nor inconvenience except that of having to remain in bed one week, when the wound was per- fectly healed and a permanent cure effected. It re- quires but from fifteen to twenty minutes usually to do the Bassini operation in a recent hernia (it can be done in some cases in ten), while in very large, Bisacodyl Dulcolax old irreducible hernia it may recjuire an Dulcolax Printable Coupon hour and a half. Where hernia occurs in young children- early operatien is no doubt advisable, but I have had little experience in operating upon children. There are physicians to-day who are prescribing trusses for their patients suft'ering from all varieties Generic Dulcolax of hernia, and others who. while they recommend an operation, do not fully explain the advantages of an early operation. There are many people, how- ever, who when they first find they have a hernia go directly to some druggist and buy a truss, and con- tinue to wear one until they become partially dis- abled. We find many of the latter cases in the Service hospitals. Hernia is probably the most frequent natural anatomical defect found in the human body. It oc- curs in about one out of every thirteen male persons during life, and thousands of laboring men are at the present time more or less disabled on Dulcolax Bisacodyl account of it. The degree of disability depends to a great extent upon Dulcolax Generic the occupation of the person, it Printable Dulcolax Coupons being greatest in those engaged in physical labor, and it ranges from partial to complete. I have seen a number of persons with an inguinal hernia sac ex- tending nearly to the knees, which Buy Dulcolax they suspended in a bag attached to a waist belt. These are merely mentioned as examples of complete disability. All such cases can be prevented, as well as others'of less degree of disability, by early operation, and I believe that it is an obligation which every physician owes to his patients to fully explain the importance of early operation in hernia, and advise them not to seek relief from trusses, from the use of which they become disabled, nor to wait until an operation be- comes a serious matter. UxiTED States Marine Hospital. THE USE OF PHOSPHORUS IX DISEASES OF THE LUNGS. Bv Fergusox Dulcolax Powder Lemox, M. P... B. S.. Melbourne. Australia. So far as I have been able to ascertain by refer- ence to literature and records, no mention, for the last thirty years at least, can be found of phos- LEMOX: I'HOSniUKVS IN PULMOXAKY DISEASES. 321 phuriis, in the pure stale, having been ailinini>tered as a therapeutic measure in the treatment of dis- eases of the lungs. During ilie past eleven years this drug has been exhibited by me in all classes ol cases in lung disease, -acute, subacute, and ch runic, and the result leads nie to the belief that in pure phosphorus a most potent agent exists for the restoration of patients suffering from these dis- eases. On entering the profession I became a partner in a large suburban practice and during the first six months, owing to my partner's absence in Europe, I personally conducted the whole of the practice. Before his departure we had an incidental talk over treatment of different kinds and he gave me, among others, a hint, that in all cases of acute lobar pneu- monia, the exhibition of pure phosphorus in small doses, that is from i/iooo to i/joo of a grain, at fairly close intervals, would bring about an almost marvelous shortening of the crisis. He was sjie- cially Dulcolax Laxatives referring, while on this subject, to a partic- ular patient, very far advanced in pulmonary tuber- culosis, who had a special symptom of recurrent hemorrhages at three monthly intervals. These hemorrhages gave rise to an' acute, form of pneu- monia and he had found in his experiences that phosphorus in 1/500 grain doses had a wonderful effect in bringing the patient back to his normal

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