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marked, but no definite area of actual loss was found cither by physical or by x ray examination. The spu- tum was not profuse but buy eriacta contained large quantities of bacilli. He was large and flabby and had been told that he was well on the way to cure. This was one of the marked eriacta uk morphine cases already referred to; at tirst he responded Liut feebly to the exhibition of phosphorus. Morphine seems to have an inhibiting effect on the growth of the bacilli but it does not prevent widespread degenera- tion from going on quietly. The patient, lulled to false security, is" led to believe that he is progressing very favorably because the cough is slight and easy and the sputum scanty. In this case the -reaction to the phos- phorus did not take place for three weeks when the sputum became markedly profuse and contained excessive numbers of bacilli. This continued till purchase sildenafil citrate the third month after which it began to diminish rapidly. The treatment was continued regularly till the sixth month, the patient living during the later three months on a farm in a healthy part of the country, and being allowed to do slight exercise such as riding. The buy sildenafil citrate sputum was only seen after tliis period in the early morning, while the cough was cheap eriacta the only troublesome symptom. .\t the ninth month, when he was seen and examined, the whole lung seemed to have become perfectly normal except for the evidence of small patches of ad- herent pleura. He was again seen at the end of twelve months, when expectoration had completely ceased, and though occasionally on exertion he had a hard cough, this symptom was very rare, and physical and x ray exami- nations showed practically a normal lung. He has now re- turned to his farm and though he has been warned not to overexert himself, he attends to all branches of the farm work. TATIEXTS IMPROVED BUT XOT CURED. Case XI. Mr. J. D., of D. Aged thirty-nine years. Bad family history. At the first consultation he complained of general weakness, shortness of breath, soft cough, pro- fuse sputum and frequent night sweats. He had been treated for tw-o years by sildenafil citrate 100mg approved sanatorium methods with no improvement. On examination. July, 1909, both apices were found to be well advanced in tuberculous de- generation, the right lung at the base being fairly eriacta online free from adventitious signs, though the left lung throughout had marked signs of advanced degeneration with evidences of vomicae near the apex. His weight at the commence- ment of treatment was nine stone ten pounds. He was placed upon the full phosphorus treatment, and nour- ishment according to the chart. During the first six weeks he made fair progress, the sputum increased rapidly show- ing large numbers of tubercle bacilli. At this date he had gained six pounds, the night buy eriacta online sw-eats had disappeared, and his breathing w-as much better. During the next six weeks though he kept up his treatment he would not conform to his instructions, but continually went among the workers during the reaping and threshing, assisting at times in the dirt and dust. Notwithstanding this he improved to a great extent and at the end of the treatment he had gained over a stone in weight. His cough became harder and his sputum less profuse, nevertheless he refused fur- ther treatment. He has not been heard of for the last four years. XH. Mrs. G.. of D. Aged twenty-eight years. Married five and a half years she had one child who died in infancy from tuberculous meningitis. She has suffered from tuberculosis since her nineteenth year, when she had tuberculous pleurisy sildenafil citrate 50mg for which she was tapped. The symp- toms at the first consultation, in April, ipij. were general weakness, thinness to emaciation, night sweats, profuse sputum and soft cough: three months before she had had severe hemorrhage and since then there has been a con- stant color in the sputum. Her menses had not been seen for over two years. Weight six stone two pounds. On examination she exhibited marked signs of advanced de- generation in both lungs, both apices very far advanced with large vomicae in the left: the whole of the left lung was more or less consolidated, with a marked band of absolute consolidation over the middle third of the lung, and large moist bubbling rales heard all over this area. On the right side below the level of the upper lobe al- though early signs were marked, it was, compared with order eriacta the rest of the lung, comparatively free of disease and puerile breathing was conspicuous. She had been treated buy sildenafil citrate online for some time in various sanatoria and pronounced incur- able. Treatment by phosphorus, diet as indicated in the chart, and open air living were instituted, while high fre- quency current was given twice a week. ranbaxy eriacta She reacted well to the treatment, all hemorrhage ceasing by the third week ; the sputum continued profuse till the twelfth week and at this period the menses returned. She kept on the treat- ment for another three months when the cough became hard and the sputum greatly lessened, but all original signs remained with but slight improvement. However, she was advised to continue the treatment and her hus- band, who was a ranbaxy eriacta 100 railway official, was transferred to a warm country district eriacta tablets in the hope that she would improve. Unfortunately, on her entrance into this district, she \yas attacked with ptomaine poisoning the result of eating potted meat. This impaired her condition very greatly. She returned to me a year after the beginning of treat- ment with evidences of early tuberculous caries of the right tarsal bone due. she stated, to having tripped and sprained her foot. The local doctor thought that either dislocation or fracture had resulted, but x ray examina- tion showed neither trauma nor tuberculous focus. On examination of the lungs at this time a distinct drying up process had taken place : the vomica; were dry and appar- ently greatly i educed in size; the moist band of consoli- dation gave all signs of advanced tuberculous degenera- tion but the moist sounds had disappeared: the base of the right lung had become practically free of all adventi- tious sounds. Her weight at this time was only seven stone, a gain of less than one stone in twelve mimths. At the present time she writes stating that she is keeping very well with the foot in a splint. Hopes are still entertained that further improvement will be seen and all signs of early caries may disappear. P.\TIENTS IN WHOM TRE.\TMENT FAILED. Case XHI. Mr. P., of E. Aged thiity years. He had been treated for several years at various sanatoria by cheap sildenafil citrate the approved methods. At first consultation, in August, 1908, he exhibited all order sildenafil citrate the signs of advanced tuberculous infec- tion of the right lung. The left lung, except for the apex, was fairly clear. His family history was very bad. He was engaged in a noxious occupation in an analyst's laboratory. He was placed upon the full phosphorus treatment and diet as in chart, and was advised to go to his home in the country which he did. When he returned six months later marked improvement had taken place in

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