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Kentucky State Medical Association. — Arrangements are completed for the annual meeting of this association, which will be held in Bowling Green on Tuesday, Wednes- day, and Thursday, September 2d, 3d, and 4th. under the presidency of Dr. David O. Hancock, of Henderson. Special efforts are being made to make this meeting one of the most successful ever held by the association. In addi- tion to Glycomet 850 Mg an excellent scientific programme, an elaborate programme of entertainments has been prepared by the Local Committee on .A.rrangements for the visiting physi- cians and their friends. Dr. Arthur T. McCormack, of Bowling 'ireen, is secretary of the association. St. John's Guild Sea Side Hospital to be Kept Open All the Year Round. — The board of trustees of St. John's Guild has decided to keep the Sea Side Hospital at Xew Dorp, Staten Island, open all the year round. Hereto- fore Glycomet Gp1 the work of caring for sick children of the poor has been confined to the summer months, but the new build- ings and equipment of the institution now make it pos- sible also to care for convalescent mothers, who have been discharged from city hospitals. The hospital equipment consists of twenty buildings, including eight large wards and four solariums, an annex, the Lewis Memorial Cot- tage, an isolation building, and quarters for nurses and servants. This season 1,624 patients have been admitted to the hospital, with an average stay of 9.7 days. The International Medical Congress. — The Seventeenth International Medical Congress was brought to a close in London on Tuesday, August 12th, and the delegates from all parts of the world who attended regarded Glycomet Gp it as one of the most successful ever held. The three great prizes of the congress were awarded as follows : The Moscow Prize, to Professor Charles Richet, of Paris, for work on anapliy- laxis ; the Paris Prize, to Professor von W'assermann. for work on experimental therapy and immunity ; the Hungary Prize, to Professor A. E. Wright, of London, for work on anaphyla.xis. Professor Friedrich von Miiller. ni Munich, was elected president of the Permanent Com- mittee of the congress and Glycomet Tablet also president of the Eighteenth International Congress, which will be held in Buy Metformin Munich in 1917. Changes in the Medical Department of Tulane Uni- versity. — The medical department of Tulane Glycomet Gp 2 University, liereafter to be called the Tulane College of Medicine, has been divided into four separate schools, with a dean for each, as follows: The School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dr. Isadore Dver. dean; the Post Graduate School, Dr. Charles Chass.iignac. dean; the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Dr. Creighton Wellman, dean, and the School of Dentistry, Dr. .Andrew Friedrichs, dean. The following appointments have been made on the staff of the Post Graduate School: Dr. Henry Dickson Bruns, emeritus professor of ophthalmology, in the Post Graduate School, has been transferred to the active list; Dr. Creigh- ton Wellman. dean of the School of Hygiene and Tropical -Medicine, has been appointed professor of tropical diseases and Glycomet 1gm preventive medicine; Dr. J. T. Halsey, elected profes- sor of clinical therapeutics; Dr. C. C. Bass, elected pro- fessor of clinical microscopy; Dr. W. W. Butterworth, elected professor of pediatrics, and Dr. George S. Bel, professor of internal medicine. Cerebrospinal Meningitis in New Buy Metformin Online York City during igi2. Glycomet 500 Mg — There has been but little cerebrospinal menin- gitis in New York city during Glycomet Tablets the past two years. Dur- ing 1912, 268 cases we're reported, with a case fatality of 72 per cent., and a death rate in 10.000 of population of 0.36. The corresponding figures for 191 1 were 314 cases, case fatality 74 per cent., and death rate 0.47. Outbreaks of this disease are not very frequent, and show remarkable periodicity, occurring about once in every ten years. Thus the last four outbreaks occurred in 1872, 1881, 1893, and 1904, the death rate for those years being 8.7, 4, 2.7. and 5.4 in 10,000 of population, respectively. .\l\ of these years were characterized by hard winters with much snow. In the year following each outbreak, the death rate was still above the average but Glycomet 500mg was very low during the remaining intervening Glycomet Gp2 years. From 1872 until 1904. the interim death rate averaged 1.5 in 10.000 of population. Since the intro- duction of lumbar puncture, bacteriological diagnosis, and serum treatment the interim average has fallen below I in 10.000. This fall has been due as much to the exclusion of cases resulting from tuberculosis and other causes, as to the improvement in the result Glycomet 250 of treatment. These periodical outbreaks are partly due to the presence in the community of an accumulated number of susceptible in- dividuals, just as occurs in the case of infantile paralysis. Judging by the Glycomet Price past, a sharp increase in the prevalence Glycomet Sr of cerebrospinal meningitis during the next two or three years is to Glycomet Sr 500 be expected, especially- if meteorological condi- tions favor its development. Personal. — Dr. Harvey Cushing, professor of clinical surgery. Harvard Medical School. Dr. William J. Mayo, of Rochester. Minn., Dr. John B. Murphy, of Chicago, and Dr. George W. Crile. professor of surgery in the Western Reserve University. Cleveland, have been elected honorary fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. Dr. John A. Ferrell, has been appointed general mana- ger of the hookworm research work of the Rockefeller Institute, with headquarters in Washington, D. C. Dr. .Arthur D. Hirschfelder. associate professor of medi- cine in the Johns Hopkins Medical School, has been ap- Glycomet 500 Sr pointed professor of pharmacy and director of the phar- maceutical department of the University of Minnesota. Dr. Leopold Schumacher, for two years first assistant on the medical staff' of the University of Wisconsin, and in cliarge of the students' health, has resigned his position and gone to Chattanooga, Tenn.. where he will Glycomet 850 engage in private practice. Dr. Milton J. Rosenau. professor of preventive medicine and hygiene in the Harvard Glycomet 500 Medical School, has been awarded the American Medicine gold medal for 1913, for the most notable service to humanity during the past twelve months. Dr. J. C. Price, of Scranton. Pa., has been appointed chief medical inspector in the newly organized Depart- ment of Labor and Industry. Dr. W. H. Blakesley, of Philadelphia, has been appointed temporarily to the work of medical inspection, pending further organization of the department. Dr. M. C. Stone, of Kansas City, Mo., has resigned as State bacteriologist. Dr. Anna Dwyer. of Chicago, has been appointed a

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