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renal lesions closely simulating those of chronic interstitial nephritis in man, by means of combined injections of uranium nitrate and the colon bacillus. Paratyphoid Fever. — C. J- Hunt states that paratyphoid fever occurs in four general types, viz. : That closely resembling typhoid fever : that closely resembling influenza of the abdominal type ; that suggesting a general gastroenteric inflamma- tion with nausea and vomiting, and often diagnosti- cated as ptomaine poisoning : and that closely re- sembling dysentery, likewise often diagnosticited tablet lasix a« ptomaine poisoning and almost as fre(|uenily as lasix with potassium "cholera morbus" During the course of four epidemics of typhoid fever studied by the author, including 309 cases. 117, or 22. u f)er cent., pre- sented atypical features. The agglutination reac- tions of the serums in these 117 cases gave the following results: Bacillus tyf'liosus only. 40.15 per cent. : Bacillus paratyf'hosus A only, y.j per |ier cent. : Bacillus f'aratyfliosns B only. 40.2 per cent. The remaining six per cent, showed mixtures of the organisms already mentioned, sometimes with Pacilhis paracoli in addition. That in fifty-nine of 509 cases, or 11.5 per cent., there should have been a negative Widal reaction, notwithstanding the presence of typhoidlike organ- isms, shows plainly the importance to the general practitioner of determining the reaction in. negative cases with organisms of the paratyphoid group. The suggestion is lasix buy also made by the author that a mixed vaccine may be of greater utility than one of Bacillus tvt'hosus uuU. Reticulated Erythrocytes. — ( ). H. P. Pepper and M. M. Peet state that of the intraerythrocytic phenomena demonstrated by "'vital staining.'" reticulation is most important. This condition is an evidence of lasix 40mg youth of the cell. Study of the literature leads lasix for to the belief that reticulated red cells show greater resistance to hemolytic agents than others. The experiments of the authors in rabbits, however, failed to demonstrate any con- stant difference in this online lasix respect. Quantitative Estimation of Chlorides in the Urine. — Stanhope Bayne-Jones presents a com- parative study of simplified methods available for this purpose, and concludes that the Strauss method is simple, rapid, and gives results sufficiently ac- curate for clinical purposes. It is directly applicable to both normal and albuminous urine. When modi- fied by performance of the test in a graduated fifty c. c. cylinder, instead of the Strauss tube, it gives results more accurate than in its original form. The method is based on the precipitation of chlorides by silver nitrate and the titration of the excess of the latter by ammonium thiocyanate. an iron salt being used as an indicator. NEW ORLEANS MEDICAL AND SURGiCAL JOURNAL. .'"/:. /,,,-. Eugenics in Its Relationship to the Welfare of the Public. — iv lasix T. il. Inucher -iate> buy lasix online that tbtr -tudy of eugenics in this country has been stimulated by lasix 40 mg a gradual realization of the enormous number of insane and other dependents who have become a l^ublic charge and by the enormous expense to w bich the people are put to provide for their main- tenance. It is a well known fact that the birth rate among the feeble minded is very much higher among normal persons. If we accept the view of the eugenists that mental defects, in their various types, are largely dependent upon inheritance of these defects from progenitors, what are the reme- dies they propose to lessen insanity, feebleminded- ness, epilepsy, etc.? It is recommended that lasix mg repro- duction be prevented by a surgical operation which unscxes or sterilizes the male or female. These revolutionary procedures lasik lasix have met with much oppo- sition from the standpoint of prejudice, but the 346 Piril OF PROGRESSIVE LITERATURE. |Nf.>v York Mkdicai- Journal, eugcnists believe that, with tlie education of lasix order ])hysi- cians and the public, tliis prejudice lasix furosemide will be gradually overcome. Already eight States have passed laws which i)rovide some form of sterilization of the feebleminded potassium lasix and certain other defective or crim- inal types, and it is more than probable that other States will do so The second method is the segrega- tion, throughout the reproductive period, of the feebleminded below a certain grade. One of the difficulties encountered would be that of taking care of such persons when they were known, and an- other, that of determining when the reproductive period ends lasix renal in men. The expense of segregation would be enormous at first, as it is estimated that at present only about one tenth of the defectives are being cared for. It is lasix and potassium for this reason that steriliza- tion is more likely to appeal to the legislator than segregation. A third factor advocated for the lessening of feeblemindedness, as well as for the prevention of the spread of venereal disease, is that marriage shall not be permitted without the license being accompanied bj- a certificate from one or more physicians to lasix to buy the elTect that the contracting parties are healthy in every respect. The only pos- sible way in which a method of this kind could be made really effective would seem to be to have a special board of examiners, appointed by the lasix purchase health authorities, before whom all applicants for marriage should appear for examination : and such a regula- tion is not likely to be endorsed in the near future. 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