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surgical operation cannot be looked for under three months, and that with the Roentgen method the patient is a+ no time prevented from attending to her usual duties, the argument cannot be sustained by the facts. The following statistics recently compiled by Dr. Arthur Holding of New \''ork City, which he took Lopid Price from the available literature on the subject, amply demonstrate the Buy Lopid Online success of this method of treat- ment. Number of cases treated 794 Number of cases" still Gemfibrozil 600mg under treatment 60 Number of cases which con- tinued treatment 27 Number of cases lost track of. .40 — 127 Number of cases treated in which results are known .... 667 Number of cases cured 376 56 per cent. Number of cases improved. . . . 208 31 per cent. Number of cases unimproved. . 74 11 percent. Number of cases lapsed 7 1 per cent. Number of cases dead 2 .03 per cent. Case I. — Miss L. J., age 36. Had been treated for myoma for the previous four years (1902-1906). The treatment consisted of galvanism, one pole in the vagina and the other over the fundus. Ergotin in 1 grain doses, three times a day was also administered. \t the end of ten days the ergotin was discontinued for ten days and again resumed. The patient com- plained of severe backache, bearing down pains in Lopid 60 Mg ab- domen, indigestion, and Lopid 600mg vertigo. Menorrhagia was very profuse at the menstrual periods and continued during the interim. Patient was weak and unable to attend to her duties as a cook. An examination re- vealed an intramural fibroid about ten inches in diam- eter. An immediate operation was advised and re- fused. .Y-ray treatments were then suggested though at that time little was known concerning the thera- peutic action of the rays in this condition. Treatments were given twice weekly. .\n J'-ray erj'thema was twice produced which caused considerable delay. The menorrhagia showed a decided improvement, the hemorrhages being less profuse and of shorter dura- tion. -At the end of si.x months the menstrual periods were normal. She was able to resume her duties. The tumor still measured about ten inches in diameter. At the end of another Order Lopid six months amenorrhea had been pioduced and the tumor was about four inches in diam- eter. Owing to the condition of the skin, treatments were discontinued. I did not Cheap Lopid see the patient then for five years, w'hen she came to consult me on another matter. At my request an examination was made and no evidence Order Lopid Online of the tumor could be found. The tech- nique employed in this case was crude but was the best we knew at that time. This in part accounts for the length of time required to produce a complete amenor- rhea. The age of the patient was also a Buy Cheap Lopid factor. Case II.- — Miss C, age 40. Complained of profuse May 16, 1914J MEDICAL RECORD. 893 and prolonged Lopid Mg menstruation, extreme physical weak- ness, palpitation of the heart, sense of weight and pres- sure in the abdomen, backache, and, what she termed, bloating. The heart action was weak and the pulse Generic Lopid was rapid. There was no organic heart lesion. A mass in the abdomen extending half way to umbilicus was easily palpated. This proved, on further examination, to be an intramural fibioid. .Y-ray treatments were advised. In this case, the abdomen was divided into three fields for exposure, one field over each ovary and one over the uterus. Each field received a sep- arate exposure during the same treatment, the two fields not under treatment being covered with lead foil to prevent their receiving a double dosage. A tube of medium penetration (about 6 Benoist) was employed. The quantity of rays absorbed at each treatment was measured with a radiometer. A filter of heavy sole leather was used to protect the skin. A dose suffi- cient to produce a slight redness of the skin was given to each Buy Lopid area, though not all at one exposure. The treatment Gemfibrozil Price was then discontinued for four weeks until all danger of a reaction had passed. Four series of this nature were given. At the end of this time men- struation had ceased. The tumor was two-thirds its original size. No further treatments were given. The tumor continued to decrease in size for the next six months at which time it was so small that the patient was not conscious of its presence. At the present time she is well and Gemfibrozil 600 Mg attending to her duties Gemfibrozil Cost as a cateress. Case III. — Mrs. M., age 45, married, four children, all living. Lopid Cost Last child born three months previous. At time Lopid Tablets of labor the attending Gemfibrozil 600 physician suspected twin pregnancy. This proved to be incorrect, as an exami- nation after the delivery of the child revealed a large fibroid. The same technique was employed as in Case II. Amenorrhea was produced at the end of the thiid series. The patient was approaching the menopause, which probably accounts for the shorter time required in this case. The reduction in the size of the tumor was not marked and a fourth series was given. Four weeks later, at which time she had been told to return, the tumor was about one-half its original size. Treat- ments were then discontinued and the patient returned to her home in a neighboring city. No later exami- nation Gemfibrozil Mg has been made but she writes me that she is feeling fine. BIBLIOGRAPHY.

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