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oS-' EDITORIAL ARTICLES. PARINAUD'S COXJ L'NCTI VITIS. Since Parinaud described in 1889 a peculiar dis- ease of the conjunctiva associated with swelHns^s of the lymphatic glands on the saine side of the neck, a number of cases have been reported and its etiology has excited some discussion. Quite a number of writers have been insistent that the dis- ease w^as a modified form of tuberculosis of a be- nign type in spite of the facts that it runs a self limited course, that the conjunctiva was not ulcer- ated, that inoculations of conjunctival tissue fre- quently failed to produce tuberculosis, that the tubercle bacilli were not usually found in the glands, that the proportionate number of patients in whom the tuberculin reaction was positive did not seem to be abnormally great, and that the his- tological examination of the tissue always appeared to indicate an infective origin. Those who did not accept Buy Remeron Online this theory were obliged to content them- selves with pointing out the objections to it, and with the hope that some day the morbific agent would be discovered. Dr. F. H. Verhoeff presents in the Archives of Ophthalmology, for July, the rea- sons which lead him to believe that he had discov- ered this agent. Incidentally he Remeron Cost holds that certain atypical cases of conjunctival tuberculosis may be mistaken for Parinaud's conjunctivitis, and have been reported as such, but that they do not possess its characteristic histological features. The charac- teristic feature is the occurrence of focal areas, varying in size and shape, infiltrated with endo- thelial phagocytes in various stages of necrosis, not packed close together and united with each other, as in tuberculosis, but discrete. The necrosis in- volves the cells alone and bears no resemblance to the caseation of tuberculosis. Surrounding these areas the tissue is densely infiltrated with plasma cells, t )rdinary granulation tissue also is formed, the amount depending on the duration of the pro- cess. In eleven of his twelve patients he found with- in these areas of cell necrosis Purchase Remeron Online minute, filamentous microorganisms, for the most part in Mirtazapine 15 Mg masses and intertwined about one another, though separate in- dividuals also could be seen, by means of a technic that he describes in full detail. In one case, evi- dently an early one, numerous masses were to be seen in the superficial lymph spaces, and were 15 Mg Mirtazapine es- pecially prominent just beneath the epithelium, where the areas of cell necrosis usually occur. Such masses apj>ear to be the starting points for areas of cell necrosis, for all the stages in the formation of the latter could Cheap Remeron be Order Remeron Online made out, begin- ning with the invasion of a mass of microorgan- isms by a few Endothelial cells, and this one case alone seems to him to be sufficient to exclude the i)ossibiIitv that these microorganisms are secondar\- invaders. Their predilection for the lymph spaces explains the early involvement of the regional glands. Since no branching of the filaments could be detected he classes the microorganism as a lep- tothrix, and, so far as he knows, no similar one l)athogenic for man has previously been described. The unusual character of these Buy Remeron organisms, their great abundance, the fact that they were situated so as to explain the lesions, and the absence of any others that were demonstrable, lead him to believe them to be the causative agents of this peculiar dis- ease. This can be made certain only by successful cultivation on artificial media, and the experimental production of the disease, preferably in monkeys. ACTIVE IMMUNIZATION AGAINST DIPHTHERIA. There Mirtazapine 30 is no phase of immunity of greater practical importance Generic Remeron than the active immunization against infectious diseases. Important as the curative serums are, they nevertheless constitute merely a therapeutic agent. Valuable, it is Remeron Tablets true, but one which falls short of the ideal of imitating Nature in her lasting protection of races and individuals against infectious diseases. After all, prophylaxis is the ideal toward which we are striving, and any measure which brings us nearer to the goal consti- tutes an Remeron Price important advance along the line of battle that is being waged against the pathogenic bacteria. It is for this reason that Jenner's vaccination Order Remeron against smallpox has remained Mirtazapine Mg the classical example of active immunization. It showed the way. Remeron Online Pas- teur's labors along the line of active immunization also furnished a clue, while the recent researches of Wright opened up a vista of great possibilities in the prevention as well as the cure of infections. In a recent contribution to the Ronsski Vratch (May 4, 1913) S. K. Dzerzhgovsky relates an inter- esting instance of a horse preserving its immunity against diphtheria for sixteen years, or almost its natural life. This horse served for the production of antitoxine and was sold. Sixteen years later it was repurchased and injected intravenously with 12,500 minimum fatal doses to guineapigs, this being the maximum amount of diphtheria toxine the liorse received during the last immunization. No reaction followed. Purchase Remeron A second subcutaneous injec- tion of the same quantity was followed by a slight general and local reaction. The horse was then bled, and the serum was found to contain 300 units of antitoxine to each cubic centimetre or about four times the strength this Remeron Mg horse yielded during the first immunization sixteen years Buy Cheap Remeron before. Mirtazapine 15 A similar result was obtained with a dog which was immunized against diphtheria for a period of thir- articles. i^i

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