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months. Matas advises others to give the method a trial, when the occasion presents. Ai'gusl jj, 101.1.1 I'KOCt-liOIXaS Ol- SOCIHTIHS. 395 f r0C«bings of ^oriHus. THl-: IX)KTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OK THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. field at London. Out.. June j-f. j^. J6. and -'/. /p/.v The Address of the President. — Dr. 11. .\. MiC.M.Li'M •^poke in part as follows: It was liis in- tention to speak plainly on many matters affectiny^ the profession. He urged a more active interest in the work Suhagra 50 of the association. It had done great service in doing away with provincialism and in- augfiirating great reforms of inestimable benefit to the profession and the public generalh'. With every practitioner in Canada a member, greater and more licneficent results could be obtained. More funds were necessary, however, to rescue the association from the exploitation and the commercial enterprise of certain drug houses. The chemical industry of Ciermany was carefully organized and it was diffi- cult to know what to accept and what to reject. Trained and scientific censors were needed to give advice and to assist Suhagra Cipla in shaping legislation to pre- vent the sale of nostrums. The promise of Hon. R. L. Borden that a portfolio of Generic Suhagra public health would be instituted in the near future had created unbounded satisfaction among the members of the profession. A pure food law- or federal control of vaccines, serums, and drugs was impossible with- out this. Doctor McCallum Suhagra Tablets praised on the whole, the report and work of the Carnegie Foundation, but thought that a mistake was made in exagger- ating the value of the derman methods of medical teaching. In his opinion the British methods of medical training produced the best practical men, which was, after all, the main object of such teach- ing. Attention was drawn to the fact that the medical student of to-day was burdened too much with scientific subjects and laboratory Suhagra Tablet work, with- out being grounded sufficiently in the fundamentals. This was a mistake, and the general practitioner suf- fered. The larger proportion Cheap Suhagra of students Suhagra For Women graduat- ing to-day were going to Suhagra 100 specialize in surgery, and there was a grave danger that this branch of med- ical science would crowd the practice of medicine into the background. This was not in the best in- terests Suhagra Price of the profession as a whole, nor of the pub- lic. The lack of knowledge of the value of medi- cine Buy Suhagra made the practitioner, as well as the public, a victim Cipla Suhagra of the nostrum peddler. Doctor MrC.xLLUM advocated the annual exami- nation by competent physicians of every adult. School cliildren were examined periodically, but the adult never consulted a doctor until sickness compelled him. Insurance companies had adopted a plan of examining their clients annually, and in his judgment it would be good business if all men and women underwent a thorough periodical ex- amination. The necessity for higher degrees in sur- gery in Canada and the United States was dealt with. The profession generally would be improved thereby. Incidentally the low fees prevailing in many parts of the Dominion were referred to Suhagra 50 Mg and he expressed hope that there would be a general leveling up in this respect. He wa> of the opinion that more publicity should be given Suhagra Online to the achieve- ments of medical science. Certain branches of the profession had followed this out with much Cipla Suhagra 100 success. ( ireat iniblicity had been given to the results of vaccination in the prevention of smallpox, and the same results would follow if wider ])ublicit\ were given to vaccination against tyjjhoid fever. The inroads of tuberculosis had been made public and the support of the people enlisied to stani]j out this disease. Similar methods slioukl be adopted in the case of cancer and other diseases. That the pro- fession should not be an arm of the civil service was most emphatically stated. If it were, the public would not be protected against its own gigantic credulity, nor the profession purged of its abuses. .V Suhagra 100mg demagogue might arise at any time to attack the profession, and it was Suhagra 100 Cipla best to be armed and ready. Dr. Lewellys F. Barkkk, professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, gave the address in medicine. The address dealt with the nerve supply of the internal secretory organs and of the smooth muscles, but inasnuich as it was de- livered extemporarily and illustrated by diagrams thrown on screen, thus necessitating the turning out of the lights, it was impossible to take adequate notes of it. The address was of a most instructive and interesting nature and as Doctor Barker an- nounced that it would be written out and handed in to the secretary of the Canadian Medical Associa- tion, it Suhagra In India will doubtless be published in the journal of the association, where medical readers will be afforded the opportunity of studying an intricate subject presented by a master. Dr. T. S. CfLLEX, of Johns Hopkins University, Order Suhagra Baltimore, gave the address in gynecology. This address mainly discussed the great importance of the early diagnosis of cancer and Buy Suhagra Online the need for edu- cating the general public, and especially women, with regard to its early symptoms. Doctor Cullen em- phasized the point that cancer, contrary to popular l>elief, is not a blood disease, neither is it incurable when treated properly at a sufficiently early date. In order to gain this result the message must be carried directly to the people. A brief sketch was given of the campaign on popular lines against can- cer initiated at the Congress of Surgeons of North

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