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motion of mental hygiene in the United .States, which was intended to Purchase Tadalafil make the public, the doctors and the lawgivers recognize the imp(jrtance of the Buy Tadalafil (juestion. Criminality, prostitution, imbecility and the like were due to bad brains, and by enacting l)roper laws to prevent the marriage of the unfit to prevent the spread Tadalis Uk of diseases Tadalafil Mg that afl'ect thr physical well being of the coming generation, much of the evil could be stamped out. The benefit of institutional training was shown and highly recom- mended by Doctor Barker. He believes that psy- chiatric clinics should be held frequently, and that school teachers should be educated to recognize ex- ceptional children and segregate them or have them placed in institutions where their mental well being would be assured. Such a campaign undertaken in Canada ought to produce as good results as it had produced in the United States. Dr. George N.^smith, of Toronto, pointed out, in a paper dealing with milk supplies, the need for absolute cleanliness from start to finish. Buy Tadalis Online There was need for regular inspection of milk by municipali- ties and in addition farmers should be encouraged to use the "cow test" to insure quality. The only way of making milk an entirely safe article of diet was by pasteurization. Doctor Bryce, of Ottawa, suggested that municipal control of milk supplies would be a move in the right direction. Dr. H. W. Hill, of the London Institute of Public Health, gave an interesting account of health statistics, se- cured from the parents of 8,000 children attending the schools of London. He computed that each child in the city had 2.5 infections during the ages from five to nineteen. Taking these figures as typ- ical of the whole province, he concluded that during each year there were 200.000 cases of infectious diseases which at the very low Order Tadalis estimate of two dol- lars per case would mean that the province expend- ed $600,000 annually for the care of these cases. The monetary loss was great, not to mention the deaths and suffering following. Medical men should do all they possibly could to prevent the spread of these preventable diseases. Every year there were, at least, 15,000 cases of scarlet fever in Ontario, 37,500 cases of measles, and 27,000 cases of whooping cough, which was the most dangerous of them all. Dr. Helen M.-\cMurchy, of Toronto, gave a popular and instructive lecture at a public hall in London on the Buy Cheap Tadalis evening of June 26. Dr. MacMur- chy said that there was a high standard of national health in Canada at present. This fact was attested by the protest of a number of English doctors re- cently when complaint was made that some of the immigrants were not physically fit. It was not to be expected, they said, that they should equal the native born Canadian in physique. How to con- sen'e this high standard was the problem at pres- ent facing the nation. The observation of a few simple rules was all that was Buy Tadalafil Online required. Fresh air. good food, a good water supply, cleanliness, and 3o8 HOOK REVIEWS. (New Yohk EDicAL Journal. sleep were all tiiat were needed to preserve the health of the nation, but without these essentials national health was impossible. Doctor .Mac.Mur- chy cited many instances to show the jirogress made by the medical profession in matters of sani- tation. England had Tadalis Online led in this respect and had practically taught the world sanitation. The mak- ing of the Panama Canal had been rendered pos- sible only by the doctors. France had Order Tadalafil tried the project and failed, not because her engineers were inferior to those of .\merica. but because disease had Tadalis 20 stricken the laborers. Sanitation had practic- ally wiped out fever in the canal zone. Dr. Mac- JMurchy referred to the subject of the care of the feebleminded. The Province of Ontario should look after these, as they Purchase Tadalafil Online were unable to care for themselves. They should not be allowed to marry to bring into the w'orld others similarly afflicted. Symposiums on Diseases of the Stomach Tadalis Sx and on Diseases of the Thyroid were introduced respec- tively by Dr. Alex.ander McPhedr^\x. of Toronto, and by Dr. A. J. Ochsner, of Chicago. Dr. Tadalis 20 Mg Frank Billing.'?, of Chicago, conducted a medical clinic and Dr. John B. Murphy, of Chicago, gave a clin- ical lecture, illustrated by lantern slides. Dr. Bil- lings attacked the present methods of handling vac- cine in the United States. He said that drug firms manufactured vaccines for nearly every known dis- ease and even went so far as to combine a number of cultures of various kinds to make a vaccine sup- po-sed to act as a sort of cureal! for disease. He was a believer in the use of vaccine. It was with- out question valuable in the treatment of some dis- eases, but the manufactured vaccines were often entirely unsuited for the purpose for which they were sold and were likely to have serious effects on the patients. He urged doctors to prepare vaccine for themselves when a case seemed to demand its use. The executive committee of the Canadian Med- ical Association was elected as follows : Dr. F. P. Drake, of Buy Tadalis London; Doctor MacKidd. of Edmon- ton; Doctor Primrose, of Toronto; Doctor Small. of Ottawa : Doctor Adami. Generic Tadalis of Montreal : Doctor Reeve, Cheap Tadalis of Forest ; Doctor Halpenny, of \\ innipeg ; Doctor McKechnie. of Vancouver ; Doctor Brett, of Banff; Doctor McNeil, of St. Johns; Doctor Mader. of Halifax; Doctor Park and Doctor VVhitelaw. of Edmonton, and Dr. F. N. Tadalis Tablets E. Starr, of Toronto. St. John. New Brunswick, was chosen as the next Cheap Tadalafil place of meeting, and Dr. Murray MacLaren, of St. John, was selected for the presi- dency next year.

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