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look ^tiJittos. \Wc f'ublish full lists of books received, but we acknowl- edge no obligation to review them all. Xeverthcless, so far as space permits, we review those in zvhieh ti'e think our readers are likely to he interested.] Handbuch der Hygiene. Unter Mitwirkung von Geh. Obermedizinalrat Dr. R. Abel, Berlin : tenormin syrup Kaiserl. Baurat J. BoETHKE, Berlin; Geh. Medizinalrat Prof. Dr. C. Fr.\enkex, tenormin 25 Halle, et al. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. M. Rubner. Geh. Medizinalrat. Berlin. Prof. Dr. M. von Gruber, Obermedizinalrat, Miinchen, und Prof. Dr. M. Ficker, Berlin. III. Band, 2. .Abteilung. Die Infek- tionskrankhciten. Die pllanzliclun Parasiten. Spezielle Darstcllung. Anhang: Infektionskrankhciten zweifel- hafter Actiologie. Mit 7,1 .Xbbildiingcn und 25 farbigen Tafcln. Leipzig: S. llirzcl, 1913. Pp. vii-536. i'his pulilication gives a very clear and intere.sting pres- entation of the bacteriology of infectious diseases. Al- though not a textlxiok on bacteria it gives good descrip- tions of them and tenormin iv a well coordinated picture of the meth- ods by which tenormin atenolol the various organisms give rise to the mani- festations of disease. The various chapters take up the diseases due to pathogenic cocci, bacilli, vibrios, spiro- chetes, yeasts, moulds, and blastomyces, and a final oxf discusses those infections of doubtful origin. The two most extensive articles are on the plague and cholera, while others give much in detail concerning malta fever, yellow fever, recurrent fever, typhus, and smallpox. Rabies is also given considerable space. From the above it would seem that the trojjical side is somewhat empha- sized, generic tenormin but in these days tropical diseases have plenty of opportunities to lodge in our own lands and we should be ready to recognize them. The numerous illustrations are very good and the liook can be recommended highly. Textbook buy cheap tenormin of General Pathology. By order tenormin the Following Con- tributors : A. P. Beddard, London ; .\. E. Boycott, Man- chester; C. H. Browninc. Glasgow: A. E. Garrod, Lon- don; J. S. Haldane, Oxford; I, Walker Hall, Bristol; A. F^ Hertz, London ; F. W. Mott, London ; M. S. Pembrev, London; J. Ritchie, Edinburgh; J. H. Ryffel, London; S. V. Sewell, Melbourne; J. Lorrain Smith, Edinburgh, and E. .-Xinlev Walker, Oxford. Edited by M. S. Pembrey and J. Ritchie. New York: Longmans, Green, & Co. : London : Edward Arnold, \g\i. Pp. xii- 773- (Price, $5.) .\lthough the title would indicate that this book deals with general pathology in the usual way, one is very agree- ably surprised to note the way in which the treating of the subject differs from other textbooks. There is very little said on histological pathology, and practically no illustrations, the authors taking it for granted that the reader is more or less familiar with that side tenormin online of the ques- tion. The subject of pathology is treated from the im- portant viewpoint of physiology, in order to depict clearly the lack of coordination between the normal activities of the component parts of the body in diseased conditions. The various topics are dealt with by different men in a very able manner, the valuable information being presented in an interesting way. As is stated by the editors, this book is intended primarily for the advanced student and practitioner, not for the beginner. It is one that would be of the greatest value to those who wish to perfect their knowledge of the tenormin 25 mg important corelation of pathological con- ditions with disturbances of physiological functions. The Practical Medicine Scries. Comprising Ten Volumes on the Year's Progress in Medicine and Surgery. Under the General Editorial Charge of GrsTAvus P. Head, M. D., Professor of Laryngology and Rhinology, Chi- cago Postgraduate Medical School, and Charles L. Mix, A.m., M. D., Professor of Physical Diagnosis in the Northwestern University Medical School. Series 1913. Volume I : General Medicine. Edited by Frank Billings, M S.. M. D., Dean of the Faculty of Rush Medical College, and J. H. Salisbury. A. M., M. D., Professor of Medicine, Chicago Ginical School. Pp. 404. (Price, $1.50.) Volume II: General Surgery. Edited by John B. Murphy, A.M., M. D., LL. D., Pro- buy tenormin fessor of Surgery in the Northwestern University, etc. Pp. 632. (Price, $2.) Chicago: The Year Book Pub- lishers, 1913. The Journal has frequently referred with approval to this excellent series, and, unless one were to go into a detailed review of the contents, there purchase tenormin online is little cheapest tenormin that need be added to the expressions of opinion previously given. As will be noted, Dr. Frank Billings and Dr. tenormin 25mg J. H. Sali.sbury remain in charge of the medical portion of the series, and Dr. John B. Murphy, of the surgical, and, as always be- fore, these editors have made excellent selections of ma- terial — certainly no easy task when one takes into con- sideration the vast amount of this to be gone over. The work is naturally -well up to date. In the section on tenormin 50mg in- fectious diseases in the medical tenormin tablet volume we note, for in- stance, an account of the investigations of .Anderson buy tenormin online and OFI-ICIAI. NEWS. 39'' (ioldbirgi-r resulting in the identification of IJrill's disease as a form of typhus fever. It has thus been demon- strated that typhus fever, instead of being the exotic plague that it has ahnost universally l>ecn considered, has actually been endemic in this country for many years. In connection with this advance in our knowledge cheap tenormin of the dis- ease the authors very properly give the following caution : "This demonstration obliges the .-\merican sanitarian to recognize the existence of a problem of which he has here- tofore been unaware: it also makes it necessary for the clinician to revise the classical conception of typhus, just as he has had to revise his conceptions of smallpox anpurchase tenormin .Aid to the Rapid Differential Diagnosis of Diseases. By R.\lph Winningtox Left- WJCH, M. D., Late .\ssistant Physician to the East Lon- don Children's Hospital, etc. New York: order tenormin online Longmans.

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