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years old, came from an interior Vibramycin Cost town to consult me. She said she was nervous, irritable, cross, etc., and she had been married fifteen vears, but never experienced sexual orgasm, though she had sexual passion. Thus, she was never satisfied. Poor, mis- mated woman, what could I do ? I knew of no remedy that would help her. This kind of trouble is frequently the cause of our numerous divorce suits. That the sexual functions are often at the bottom of the nervous condition we all know. A woman comes to consult us who has been married ten years but has only one child, nine years old. Vibramycin Doxycycline Hyclate If we ex- amine her and find absolutely no ii .uble we natu- rally ask ourselves. Why docs she not have more children? We must get at the bottom of the trouble, and on inquiry are told that she does Vibramycin Antibiotic not want any more. Again we ask ourselves. How does she accomplish it? Naturally, on inquiry, we receive diflferent answers from such patients as to how they prevent pregnancy. Very, very rarely they will say they have no connection. Some use injections of different solutions or icy cold water, and these produce disturbances. Vibramycin Tablets Some practice coitus uiterrupttis. which injures the woman more than the man. This vicious practice, continued for months and years, finally produces a nervous condition, with various obscure symptoms, which cannot be definitely labeled unless one is a skilled diagnostician and goes to the Vibramycin Indications root of the trouble. What a wonderful change you produce in such women in three months if you make them estab- 410 BATES: PKJilUNTION OF MYOPIA. [New York Medical Journal, lish nonnal sexual relations. But I see them raise their hands in horror. Buy Cheap Vibramycin "You must not talk of that ; that is tabooed ; it is nasty," they say. Now I hold that it is nothing of the kind. The sexual act of a married couple is a perfectly clean and noble act; the act is only nasty when promiscuously per- formed, or done in a perverted manner. The pro- fession has neglected this subject and must teach the laity correct views on the question, and by in- structing people many misunderstandings in fam- ilies can Order Vibramycin Online be prevented and divorces avoided. I h^e called attention to movable kidneys, be- cause a movable kidney is virtually only found in women, and therefore I might say it belongs to the department of the gynecology. I noticed that Billington reports Order Vibramycin remarkable results in the fixation of loose kidneys for insanity, and I have Generic Vibramycin no doubt that sometimes it does wonders, like everything else ; but I cannot believe that a loose Vibramycin Mg kidney is the cause of many cases of Vibramycin Suspension insanity. In conclusion I would say that the various nervous symptoms found in women are not always due to pelvic trouble, but not infrequently to many other cir- cumstances, such as mode of living, diet, occupa- tion, zymotic diseases, etc. If pelvic trouble is found it is sometimes very difficult to make a cor- rect diagnosis, as the pelvic condition may not be at the Purchase Vibramycin Online bottom of the nervous trouble. This is all the more difficult if we find two or three diflferent pelvic conditions, either one of which might pro- duce the symptoms; for instance, a tear in the uterus, with displacement of the organ, and mov- able kidney, with or without general abdominal ptosis. When such complications are found the prognosis should be very guarded, and all the con- ditions Buy Vibramycin Online should be relieved, and then the patient may require long continued aftertreatment. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The differential diagnosis of nervous condi- tions in relation to gynecology is very difficult. 2. The medical man very often gets himself in trouble by jumping at conclusions and promising too much. 3. This is especially the result in cases of surgi- cal interference. 4. It is therefore self evident that the gynecolo- gist must not Vibramycin 50mg only be a good physiologist, besides ■" general prar*^'tioner, hut he must be especially well infrrmea on diseases of the nervous system. 620 Woodward Vibramycin For Acne Avenue. MYOPIA PRFA'ENTIOX BY TEACHERS. By W. H. Bates, M. D., New York. Myopia with Vibramycin Acne elongation of the eyeball is incur- able. It ii usually acquired during school life Acute myopia, Vibramycin Hyclate spasm of the Vibramycin Antibiotics accommodation, or functional myopia is an early stage of incurable myopia. The cause of myopia is an effort to see distant objects. Corroboration: i. Myopic refraction has always been produced in man and the lower animals when regarding unfamiliar distant objects which re- quired an effort. 2. Myopia was prevented in the public schools of Grand Forks, N. D., for eight years l)y methods which prevented an effort to see distant objects. 3. Myopia was always benefited by treatment suggested by the cause. 4. The cause suggested a Vibramycin Syrup method for the experimental produc- tion of myopia in rabbits, dogs, and cats. 5. Phy-

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