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same 1,500 pupils was tested with an unfamiliar Snellen card. The tabulated records voltaren 100 mg retard of both tests were sent at his request to Gustave Straubenmiiller. associate superintendent, with the following con- clusion : "The figures submitted are interesting and voltaren 75 sr it would seem as though Doctor Bates had, t(i a certain extent, proved his point." The test was repeated in June, 1913, and the memorized Snellen card was again found satisfactory for testing the vision. Objective tests were conclusive, and dem- onstrated the interesting fact that school children did not deceive themselves or others, when their vision was tested with voltaren rapid 25mg a memorized Snellen card. voltaren ec 75 mg When a pupil said he was reading the memorized Snellen card with normal vision, the retinoscope. used at the same time, indicated no manifest error generic for voltaren of refraction ; the eye was adjusted for normal vision. The reliability of the teachers' records of the vi- sion was investigated by Miss Blake. At her re- (|uest the health department sent a medicn! in- spector who also tested the vision of the pupils and told Miss Blake that the records of the teachers were reliable and correct. One teacher taught her pupils to test and record the vision of their own eyes daily. They convinced me that they did both correctly. The pupils learned voltaren in canada the value of the Snellen card for improving the sight ; and many obtained by their own efforts normal vision without glasses. This fact was observed aNo in other schools. One teacher asked me to investigate a boy who said his vision had improved from 20/200 to 20/20. I found the boy had normal vision, but I had trouble to convince the sceptical teacher that the pupil was able to see perfectly. It is suggested that a monitor be appointed in each class to improve the vision of all pupils with defective sight. Miss Blake deserves much credit for her intelli- gent methods of investigation of myopia prevention by teachers. When Dr. C. Ward Crampton, the director of physical training, investigated the meth- od and visited her school early in hm.V he told her to voltaren xr 100 mg remove the Snellen voltaren generic name cards and discontinue her efforts to prevent myopia. This command was so manifestly unfair to the method at the time that she refused to comply without an order from her voltaren sr 75 mg tablet superiors, I cannot express in words my gratitude to her for her champif)nship of tlie method. The records she submitted in June, 1913, of pupils also tested in October, igi2, were the best of all. She desires to continue the method and is now willing for me to use the ophthalmoscope to obtain more scientific facts for the benefit of school children. Finally, when the question was asked her, "Do you believe that the Snellen card was a benefit?" she replied : "Yes, I do ; but generic name for voltaren I do not understand it." Public School Xo. 183. In the Fall of 191 1, Miss A. J. Farley, principal. Public School X'o. 183, became interested in myo- pia prevention and consented to try the method in her school. In the beginning most of the teachers neglected to use the method. This was true of other schools. Miss C. \^. Dillon, ungraded class, was the first New York city teacher to submit accurate records of the vision of school children before and after the use of the method of myopia prevention. She re- corded the vision of all her pupil.';. October, 191 1. and again, December, 191 1. During voltaren topical this time the Snellen card was not used and the vision of no child improved, .\fter the Snellen card was placed permanently in the class room, January, 1912, she gave her pupils daily voltaren xr 100mg exercises in distant vis" ; with its aid. She noted a prompt impro'-ement m the sight. The vision of the same children was re- corded, March, 1912, and June, 1912, using an un- familiar Snellen card voltaren 50mg diclofenac for" testing the sight. The records indicated that the vision of all was im- proved. She continued the use of the Snellen card, daily, during the school vear. 1912-1913. June 2~. 1913, Miss Dillon voltaren in usa was a.'sked her opin- ion of the method. She answered that her results continued good, and oflFered her recert records as additional evidence in favor of the method. At one time during the year the health department pre- scribed glasses for all her pupils. As long as a child wore glasses she refrained from giving it ex- ercises in distant vision with the memorized Snellen card, by order from the principal : but, after a child anneared in school without glasses she believed that .'she was privileged to benefit it with the Snel- 41. BATES: PRF.VENTION OF MYOPIA. len card. She dcscrilx-d in detail voltaren sr 100mg the results ob- where ihe Snellen cards were in use coniinu^jusly tained. Some pupils, even with glasses, were un- for a longer time. able to see the writing voltaren ec tablets 50mg on the blackboard from their Miss Mary E. Sinnott, assistant prmcipal, called voltaren for sale seats. In a short time their vision improved with- my attention to the fact that the more experienced or out glasses, so that they had no further difficulty better teachers benefited the vision of a larger num- with their sight. Others complained of eye pain ber of children than did the teachers of less ability, or had trouble in voltaren ec seeing to read. They held their Mr. Nicholson believed that the vision of the pupils books close, about six inches from the voltaren xr 100 face. The in his school was benefited by the Snellen card, use of the distant Snellen card gave them relief and He is now willing that I use the opththalmoscope

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