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births are most frequent in July and October ; fourth Buy Zaditor month, in July and August, fifth month, July and October; sixth month, November and Decem- ber ; seventh month, June and December ; eighth month, August and September ; the ninth' month and full Zaditor Price term predominate in June and December. This table shows that the season of the year bears no particular relation to the frequency of child- births. Period of Uterogestation of Occurrence of Still- births. The following table is prepared from 261 stillbirths occurring among 783 previous pregnan- cies of women now receiving prenatal care from the New York Milk Committee. MONTH OF UTEROGESTATION OF OCCURRENCE. Ninth and full 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. term. Number 3 72 80 24 20 5 21 2 34 Percentage ....1.15 27.59 30-65 9.2 7.66 1.9 8.1 0.08 13 This table shows Zaditor Cost that stillbirths are most frequent in the third month of pregnancy, next most com- mon in the second month, and next in order come the Buy Cheap Zaditor ninth, seventh, and fifth months. There seems to be little difference in the frequency of stillbirths in the first, sixth, and eighth months. The logical explanation of the relative high number of still- births in Purchase Zaditor the second, third, fourth and Zaditor Eye Drops seventh month of pregnancy is that the Zaditor Coupons greatest develop- mental changes of pregnancy occur during these months. The large number occurring in the ninth month are due to abnormal delivery anrl congenital abnormalities of the child. To prove the accuracy of the foregoing table, Generic Zaditor I compared it with the figures of the stillbirths occurring in the last previ- ous pregnancy, and found that the percentages Order Zaditor for each month of uterogestation were practically the same. Out of a total of 1,867 stillbirths reported in Manhattan for the period from June ist to Decem- ber 31st, 1,331, Alaway Or Zaditor were reported as occurring during the viable period (seventh month on). This shows that 71.39 per cent, of these stillbirths had a chance August 30, 1913.) THOMAS: Sl'lLLUIKTItS. 415 to be born alive had the mother received proper Eye Drops Zaditor l^renatal and natal care. Fliis statement is borne out by the fact that the Committee for the Reduction of Infant Mortality of the New York Milk Committee in its experiment of educating expectant mothers in prenatal hygiene has found among 1,534 pregnancies, a stillbirth rate Purchase Zaditor Online of 35 per 1,000, as against the Borough of Manhattan rate of 46.5 per 1,000 pregnancies reported during the same period. If the committee's rate had prevailed* throughout the entire city, the total number of still- births would have been 4,959. as against Zaditor Eye Drop the actual innnber of reported stillbirths, 6,614. If these 1. 33 1 stillbirths, born after the viable age, had lived, it would have increased the births one per mille of the population of .Manhattan, and adtled thirty-three births to every 1,000 living births re- ported for the same period. This. I believe, is a good index to the character of prenatal and natal care that our New York mothers receive, and should awaken all institutions interested in infant welfare and medical Order Zaditor Online work to try to bring about a higher standard of efficiency on the part of those engaged in the practice of obstetrics. Attendance at Co7ifJneinent. Buy Zaditor Online The attendance at childbirth seems to have some relation to the fre- quency of stillbirth as shown by the following chart : CHART SHOWI.NG THE PKRCEKTAGE OF TOTAL LIVINC, niRTHS AND OF TOTAL STILLBIRTHS, .ATTENDED EV PHYSICIANS. HOSPIT.\LS. Cheap Zaditor .'KND MIDWIVES. White — Percentage of total living births. I'.lack — Percentage of total stillbirths. ri 1 I'hvsM This chart shows that something is wrong, either in the efficiency of those attending at confinement or else in the system of registration of stillbirths. It will be observed that the physician reports 69.42 per cent, of all stillbirths reported, and only 47.4 per cent, of the living births reported. This means that for every one per cent, of total living births reported, he is reporting 1.5 per cent, of total still- births reported. The hospital ratio is even greater, being one per cent, as to 1.7 per cent. The figures show that the Zaditor Tablets ratio is reversed in the case of the midwife, as for every one per cent, Zaditor Drops of total living births reported, she is reporting only 0.16 per cent, of stillbirths reported. This would give the reader the impression that the midwives of Zaditor Coupon Manhattan were doing better obstetrics than either the hospitals or the physicians. I do not believe this to be true. Hut the physicians and hospitals are responsible for these figures, and not for the actual conditions, as it is a known fact that physi-

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