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The table shows that, with the exception of the coroner, the midwife is Zestoretic Strengths most lax in reporting causes of stillbirth. This is due Zestoretic Tablets to her lack of knowledge of pathological conditions. The physician is next most negligent, and the fact that he reports a large number of stillbirths which occur under the care of midwives may account for this. The hospital ha^ a better chance to study the pathology of cases, and there would seem to be no good reason for its fail- ure to report the cause of stillbirth in thirtv-three per cent, of its cases. The table also shows the need of education all along the line as to the importance of accurate and complete Lisinopril 20 vital statistics. The Buy Zestoretic Online fol- lowing are the causes, as certified, of the stillbirths occurring in the Borough of ;^^anhattan for a period of seven months, beginning June i, 1912. These terms were copied from the certificate, and any errors were allowed to remain in order to give the reader a clear idea of the terms used. I have classified Purchase Zestoretic Online these Purchase Zestoretic causes, but some may be misplaced, owing to a lack of understanding as to the meaning of the terms used. CL.\SSI1-IC.\TI0N Buy Zestoretic OF C.«lUSES OF STILLBIRTHS FOR THF Zestoretic Price REPORTED Zestoretic 20 25 Mg PERIOD .TUNE i. iqu. TO .L\NUARY i, iqij. No Cause Given y^i External Causes ....!!.!....!" 6- External cause — ^ Accidental Itick in abdomen by bov sleeping in bed _ with mother , Excessive heat Zestoretic 20 12.5 Mg . , Fall ' Fright '. Order Zestoretic Online 'i Hot bath ; ; , Injury to mother— trauma .".'!.' ,, Shock ■; I Strain .'.*.'!! 6 Labor induced ". ' * c Labor induced Buy Cheap Zestoretic y. ........ . 4 Zestoretic 20 Induction of labor '. .... i Cause Referred to Mother. Cause having to do with general condition of mother i->q Acute inanition of mother '\ Anemia of mother Debility of mother — malnutrition , , J Exhaustion : , Exposu Zestoretic Generic re Generic Zestoretic "."..'. -» Fatigue *!'.".'.'.'...'.'.. 7 Infection '.'.'.'.'.'.'. 2 Zestoretic Online Infective exhaustive Order Zestoretic psycllosis \\\ . Ch-e ork Specific Syphilis — lues -? Septicemia .■.■...■.'.■.■;' , Zestoretic Cost Toxemia w Diseases of iiregnancy Eclampsia Nephritis Nephritis convulsions Albuminuria Pyelitis in mother . , Renal insufficiency . . Dis. is-v::| nctntis j of displaccinL-nt of uterus. Uiseased utero Kiidomctritis Cheap Zestoretic Chronic metritis Diseased endomc. _._ , lacerated cervix 2 Ketrovcrsion i Tumor of uterus i Imercurrcnt illness of mother !

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