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for anatomical pun^^scs. This all tends to put a low valuation on child life, stillbirth registration, and disposal of the dead. In order to determine the proper method of disposing of the remains of a stillbirth in New York city. I took the reinains of Olanzapine 5 Mg JACKSON: AN Online Zyprexa IMBECILE WITH PARESIS. 419 a stillbirtli to the registration office and asked per- mission to retain Olanzapine Risperidone the body lor anatomical purposes. I Zyprexa Online was inimcchately confronted with the fact that I had violated the hiw by removing' tlie remains from the place of death, and tliat it would be necessary for me to obtain a written i)ermit from the parents in order to retain the body. After presenting the permit at the registration office a regular burial permit was given me, with the warning that 1 should keep it, so that if occasion tlemanded 1 should have evidence to prove that I had disposed of the remains in a proper manner. This procedure is entirely correct, but will hardly gain a complete registration of stillbirths; and I am quite sure it is not the procedure used in cases where persons have answered the question, "\\'here buried?" in the still- birth record by stamping with a rubber stamp : "Body retained for anatomical purjjoses." Perhaps other physicians have had the same experience as I have had. and are avoiding the unpleasantness and loss of time by reporting stillbirths late or not re- porting them at all. Expense of Proper Disposal of Stillbirth Re- mains. The expense Zyprexa 10 of proper disposal of the re- mains of stillbirths is a hardship which conies at a time when the family purse has already been great- ly taxed, and this may also be partly responsible for the neglect of parents and doctor to register the stillbirth. The doctor is often called upon to dis- pose of the remains. By doing so he is violating the law, but he sees the financial condition of the family and takes the responsibility. Zyprexa 10mg But does he in such cases register the stillbirth? I believe not. To correct this unsatisfactory condition the depart- ments of health of cities should have a cremator) where bodies of stillborn infants could be disposed of when properly registered and the consent of the parents are obtained. This would mean the saving of thousands of dollars to poor people in a city like New York, and encourage a better Olanzapine 10 Mg spirit of co- operation among physicians with the health authori- ties in establishing registration, and at the same time promote prompt and complete returns and the proper disposal of the dead. CONCI-USIONS. The foregoing study presents the following facts : That the definition of the term stillbirth is of great imp>ortance from a statistical standpoint, as it may cause to be included or excluded a large number of cases in statistical data regarding births, deaths, and stillbirths. That stillbirths are far more frequent than v^tal statistics indicate at present. That the following Olanzapine Tablets factors influence the fre- quency Zyprexa Buy of stillbirths : The sex and legitimacy of the child, the attendance at confinement, and the period of uterogestation of occurrence of birth. That the season of the year has Risperidone Olanzapine little influence on the frequency of stillbirth. That the number of stillbirths occurring during the viable period is relatively high. That the high stillbirth rate can be reduced by the systematic education and supervision Zyprexa 5 of Buy Zyprexa expect- ant mothers. That there is negligence in reporting causes of stillbirths, and that this negligence greatly lessens the value of stillbirth registration. That stillbirth registration is becoming recog- nized in all countries. That there is need of uniform stillbirth registra- tion laws which shall define the term and establish a standard for registration and reporting. That the methods Purchase Zyprexa employed in the registration and reporting of stillbirths afTects the value of the vital statistics of any city, .State, or country. That stillbirth registration is of vital importance from both a medical and social standpoint. That the methods of disposal of the remains of stillbirths inihience the registration of stillbirths. 477 B.MNBRIDGE StRRKT, Olanzapine 5mg BROOKLYN. REPORT OF AN IMBECILE WITH PARESIS. By J. Allen Jackson, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa., Chief Resident Zyprexa Mg Physician. Philadelphia Hospital for Insane. The following case is of interest for three reasons: First, because it is Cheap Zyprexa the first case of its kind on the records of the Philadelphia Hospital for the Insane ; second, because no record of any other case has been found ; third, the pathology of this condition would be rather interesting on ac- count of the fact Olanzapine Tablet Olanzapine Price that in paresis the cells of the highest type of development are Zyprexa Purchase involved ; which cells are lacking in imbecility.

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